Tuesday, April 28, 2009

With the discovery of massive amounts of oil in the Dakota's will the bleeding heart liberals prevent drilling

We have massive amounts of oil in Alaska but the Bleeding hearts have tied that up and now we have found huge amounts of oil in the Dakotas...Unless we start drilling and building refineries we will be dependent on oil from people who hate us...I worked in the oil industry and saw how many restrictions have been put on them and can tell you that if they drill in Anwar or the Dakota's they will clean up any mess they make.

With the discovery of massive amounts of oil in the Dakota's will the bleeding heart liberals prevent drilling
What I don't understand about liberals is their need to protect the environment of Anwar, yet turn right around and demand lower prices at the gas pump. Don't they get it? Unless we start DRILLING for oil where we KNOW we have the reserves, we will not get out from under the control of middle eastern oil lords. Yes, I want to preserve our environment for future generations but not at the expense of putting ourselves in a weakened position of dependence on others for our necessary fuel now and in the immediate future. There's no reason why we can't drill for oil here and also research alternative fuels while doing so.
Reply:Thanks for Best Answer. : ) Report It

Reply:It has nothing to do with having a "bleeding heart". It's simple economics that takes into account the value of all natural resources and the reality our the level of consumption.

We don't have the reserves to drill our way out of dependence on foreign oil. It cannot be done. The entire ANWAR north shore, if we take the most optimistic projections, might produce 100,000 barrels a day by 2011, and it might do that for about 5-7 years tops.

We consume over 20 million barrels a day, so with that in mind, there's no hurry to exploit ANWAR: it won't produce enough oil to put a dent in the supply side of the equation and change prices.

Will it ever be neccessary to exploit ANWAR? Probably someday, but we aren't drilling our way out of 20 million barrels a day dependency, so we have to look at the demand side of the equation as well.
Reply:Refineries would still be a long way off.

Most of the point about dependance on oil is just that our dependance. It's a dirty, non-renewable resource and even if we were swimming iin oil we'd still be warring with nations to get more. Oil is the new int'l monetary currency.
Reply:my greatest hope is these highest gas price's will make cars more efficient. More bio friendly use shale or coal to make gas would be an ecological disaster. No matter how much oil is found To be econimcally depended on oil when if given time we could be free from oil almost all together
Reply:I certainly hope so!

now they intend on burning our food supply(corn)

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