Friday, November 18, 2011

Why are so many bleeding heart liberal women on this forum.?

Why are there so many women on here defending liberal agendas.. are white women in on something us white guys dont know...

Is it really such a horrible thing that I say I'm proud to be white... shitt crusify me for thinking my race has contributed so much to mankind...accuse of not being politicly correct and pointing out the obvious..that black people are a burdun on are economy,,they drain the welfare system,, and a kid every year..they rob.. steal..and kill and the statictics clearly reveal all of this so why bother denying it...

Are white women in some kind of secret consperacy to oust the White man from what hes worked so hard for....

are white women Anti white male.... it seams as if they along with the aclu and several rights groups such as latino and black orginazation insist on making are life a living hell?

white women have become such a desgrace,,for the white community it aint even funny... We give them equal right and they just spit in our face just like blacks

Why are so many bleeding heart liberal women on this forum.?
ok ... what is it about being a white male that makes you think it's just so damn hunky dory ... personally I am a PERSON FIRST .. THEN I AM A GENDER ... then it breaks off into other areas .. like being a wife and mother and a full time Public servant .. the MOST unimportant thing to me ABOUT me .. is the colour ( or rather lack there of ) of my skin ....

I DON'T NEED to wear the colour of my skin as a badge of honour .. is there nothing ELSE about yourself you have pride in ... OTHER than SOMETHING you had NO CONTROL of being ???

explain to me WHY being white makes YOU better than ANYBODY else and I might understand what the hell you are whining about.
Reply:I must say, I partially agree with the asker. White women (myself excluded) have purposly lowered their intellegence, skill, and morality of lifestyle to conform with that of the modern african-american man. They have even - pardon me for saying so - lowered their driving skills! Report It

skin rash

Anybody have input on Bleeding Heart Tattoos in Lees Summit MO?

Good or Bad? Thinking of having first tat done there.

Anybody have input on Bleeding Heart Tattoos in Lees Summit MO?
no i dont sorry
Reply:I'm from the Missouri boot hill , don't know anything about the shop you are talking about ,

but we do have a really talented artiest down in Sikeston, it is called monster tattoo shop

How long before these bleeding heart liberals start strapping ball bearings on and earn their virgins?

I served in Vietnam. Where did you seve? I'll bet you're another chikenhawk neocon who hasn't the balls to make it through basic training but love to point fingers.

How long before these bleeding heart liberals start strapping ball bearings on and earn their virgins?
Liberals don't earn anything for themselves. Silly boy.
Reply:like the right wing fundie wackos who blow up abortion clinics and federal buildings? you beat us to it!
Reply:It's a shame that some people choose to ignore facts and attack those who represent the truth. So-called "bleeding heart liberals" do not sympathize with terrorists and it is ignorant to assume that they do simply because an administration and party that rules by terror and fear says so.

P.S. - The Quran has no mention of the "virgins" in which republicans and a *minority* of Muslims believe. Not all Muslims are suicide bombers, just like not all Christians bomb abortion clinics and picket at our fallen soldiers' funerals.
Reply:Because were intelligent enough to pick up virgin's the normal way its you retarded neocons that need to blow yourselfs up to get a virgin or any woman or man.
Reply:liberals wouldn`t even step up to the plate to protect their own family!
Reply:99% of liberals give the rest a bad name
Reply:They're almost there!
Reply:all you can do is run and call names... you're a third grader...


just shouting "TERRORISTS" isn't enough...
Reply:how long before you cons start pulling your heads out of your butts and realize your regressive strategies are failing?
Reply:The same day you do.
Reply:How long before you stick your head out of your goat's a*s and recognize that repukelicans are responsible for their own miseries and ignorance.
Reply:I can't remember the last time anyone on this site posted such intelligent stuff, you must be well educated, it sure is refreshing to have such smart people out here for a change. Thank you.

Where are all the bleeding heart ultraliberals when I need them?

By raising a previous question about what I consider to be the laxity of gun control laws and raising the possibility that the Va. shootings may be related to sickos and unstable criminal types being allowed to carry weapons, I got twenty answers from assorted gun nuts, probably none with any military or law enforcement experience decrying the push to control their supposed right to hold concealed weapons. It was only then that I realized there are more nuts on the lunatic right fringe than on the ultraliberal communist fringe lurking on these boards. Having served and protected this country more than once, I now realize there are some dangerous people out there encouraged by equally dangerous sideline boosters.

Where are all the bleeding heart ultraliberals when I need them?
I told you so.

This Yahoo thingie is filled with the Ultra Cons/Bible Thumping ignorant fools.

Got to recruit us more Libs to this site.
Reply:Listen to you like you're some sort of scientific pollster. Well, here's a view from the real world:

The problem isn't that we need more laws. What we need are fewer liberal judges who won't let the current laws be enforced. I arrested a 14 year old kid, in a public school, with a loaded .25 automatic in his pocket, a felony. When it went to trial, this uber-lib judge dismissed the charges because the gun was malfunctioning. Don't get me wrong, the gun would still shoot. It was just that you had to rack the slide after each shot. Before the trial could begin the judge put the kid on the stand, over the objections of the prosecutor, and asked the kid:

You just found this gun and were going to turn it in, weren't you? and of course, the kid said yes.

Three years later, and after a lot more arrests, this kid was killed in a shoot-out with the Police after an armed robbery.

Guns don't kill people, bleeding-heart ultra-liberals kill people.
Reply:YEAH!!!!!!!!!, what he said (conner g)

....and what "ret roch cop" says....everything except that last line......i dont want to make this a political thing.....

liberals, consevertives, we need to find a solution as americans and do something
Reply:I am a gun owning liberal - I don't know any criminal in history who has been stopped by a gun control law. And those shootings were definitely related to at least one "sicko" - duh - but to insinuate politics in to the already murky waters of this situation is beyond ridiculous. -k-
Reply:I have served in the Military (Vietnam) and retired from NYPD. In all my experience I never came across a situation involving a LEGAL GUN. Ted Kennedy"s car has killed more people than my gun. Law abiding citizens have a right to bear arms. If you blame legitimate people for gun violence you are way out of line. Licensed gun dealers sell guns to unlicensed people and then report the gun they sold as stolen. When the criminal is caught with the illegal gun the liberal courts slap them on the wrist. Get the liberal Judges out of the courts and the liberal Legislators out of Congress and impose real penalties and laws that work. Those gun dealers that engage in illegal practice should be jailed instead of fined. Once again some fool has a cure all (punish all) answer to the gun violence. How about some original thinking for once.
Reply:What has military or law enforcement experience got to do with anything? This is a question of a citizen's right to bear arms. Calling everyone "nuts" merely tends to highlight your lack of an ability to debate in a reasoned manner.
Reply:I too have served my country and I have also served my community as a Police Officer. Unless I am mistaken, By US Federal Law, Unstable Criminal types and Unstable people in general, are prohibited from buying or owning firearms. I would suggest that you go to a gun dealership and ask to see a Firearm buyers application form. I also have yet to see a bonifide police officer or any law abiding citizen be a "sideline booster" by encouraging criminals to own guns. While I fully agree that there are some nuts that should not own guns can and do get their hands on them ILLEGALLY, Identifying those same criminals and then actually enacting blanket laws and expecting the criminally insane to abide by them are virtually impossible. I don't have the answers and obviously, neither do you. But what I do know, to start screaming incoherently about needing MORE gun control on the heals of such a huge tragic event such as the VA. Tech. shootings will do absolutely nothing to solve the problem. Agree or disagree, that's my thoughts on the subject.

O Please help a bleeding heart!?

Ahh. We were going strong for a month. I know it isn't long but we both felt like we were perfect for eachother. One night it was "Night baby, I love you!" Next day, "well...I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore." That was 2 months ago. I can't get over her. I'm 16 don't know much about heartbreak. Been through it once but that was a long time ago. I thought for sure I was over her. But I keep falling in love with her. Why?? It's happened 4 times now. I haven't gotten over her. I want to, I need to, this is just killin me. I saw her with another guy, that tore me up. I don't cry often. But I've cried 3 times in the past month. I can't find someone else. There's no girl here that I really click with. They just aren't my type. How can I get over her? How can I stop this pain? It hurts so bad!! Share with me some of your stories. Thanks in advance.

O Please help a bleeding heart!?
Well my friend, your story sounded like a flashback from my life, same age even. I was lucky enough to be quite popular in high school, and as a result, was asked out by the girl for every relationship I ever had (I was rather shy with girls despite my popularity). However, the first one cheated on me while on a Biology trip, with some Brazilian guy she met for a day. Had to have my best friend tell me about it...but she felt so bad that couldnt tell me straight...she scrambled the word CHEATED for me (sounds silly in retrospect though...she meant so well by it though).

Literally torn in half by this, being it was my first GF, I sought solice in my many female friends. They were rather supportive, and I fell hard for another one. A summer of charm and her and I went out in the fall. This relationship was the one that parallels the one you told about. Left Homecoming dance with hugs, kisses, 'I had a great time', 'I love you!', came in Monday to a cold, and distant girl. Turns out she met someone over the weekend and she didn't feel that way for me anymore. Torn again, I kinda just brushed it off with other activities...but a few months passed and she tired of the guy she left me for, and came back for me. I happily accepted.....only to be torn apart.....again....a month later. She nearly got me a third time...but I finally "manned" up, and told her how I felt about what she'd done, about her and us, and about her.

This led to my 3rd "GF", a gorgeous friend of mine who helped me through the above BS that girl put me through. One day, while playing N64 no less, things just got...busy...between us, and I fell pretty hard for her, and she was totally into me. I felt slight guilt over this one though, as she was currently taken by a guy, though he was a genuine *** (who tells a girl their newly done nails look like ****...really????) A month of makeout bliss with this beauty and I thought I had it made...until she left me, pretty much for telling her I loved her (not in that needy sort of tone, but a deeper love...based on both our current relationship and our past few years of close friendship), and she left the guy she was with as well...for an even bigger *** (I heard he may have even hit her...the bastard).

All these official heartbreaks, coupled with heartbreaks with girls I never got a chance to go out with, but only crushed on (1 for SIX years!!) So...I know my share of heartbreak...seems especially devastating in the high school setting...but it passes, it always does. My advice? Take it with a grain of salt. CERTAINLY not as easy as it sounds. My mom had said with my first GF that it doesnt last...and I hated her for saying that at the time...but she was right. Don't let ANY girls get you that down. THEY....ARE....NOT....WORTH....IT. Hell, even thought of killing myself over a few...what a trip they put me through. I know where you're coming from man, there were many heartless...bitches...for lack of a better term in high school...but there were always people to support you after the matter as well. In my case, these girls lost face when they did it to me...I was like a martyr to the

Don't go back to this girl though. I went through that charade and it ALWAYS ended badly. Move on, find another girl (trust me, they're out there, I'm married now at 22) and keep kickin.

Lastly, probably the least constructive advice though, possibly channel the sorrow to anger. Dont go bombing a church or anything, but beat the hell out of something, or shoot things (things not people...). I was lucky enough to get some aggression out in the Army as Infantry but that may be a bit overboard for most. Just hang in there man, and just know that your a part of a HUGE club of brokenhearted fellows.

Sorry for the long-winded answer, but trust me when I know exactly how you feel.
Reply:Son, I am 57 and recently fell in love. But this love has been breaking my heart for four weeks now. I don't know the reason for this, but I have read that it results from disproportionate feeling toward each other. I have very strong feelings for her, but her feelings are less intense, and that is the source of my heartbreak, I believe. There are only two things to do: 1) read Dr. Love's system; and 2) find as many significant others as you can, and discover how wonderful nice girls can be in your life. I doubt that your flame intentionally hurt you, but you (and I) must go forward with our lives; and there are many wonderful women out there who will help you along the way. God bless
Reply:u are still young...focus on your study and that will fill up your time fast. maybe you didn't have a proper closure with her so you can't get over. or u have something else unsatisfactory so instead of enjoying your life, you switch your problem from what you wanna avoid and focused on her instead. talk to her to find out why she ended it and why you can't get over with her...then move sports and study hard. shift your attention to something else...develop new hobbies~
Reply:Ah, and the saga begins.

My friend, yes you are young, but that pain you're feeling right now doesn't get any better as you get older. I'm about 20 years older than you and have felt what you are feeling at least 4 times! These things are going to sound corny and weak, but it's the truth.

Don't be afraid to cry. Many times (not so long ago in fact), I've laid down in the fetal position and cried my eyes out, weeks on end. I have an active life, and I remember coming home from work and thinking "now what?" The pain is so excrutiating that it becomes overwhelming. You can't sleep, you can't eat, you don't want to do anything, yet are terrified of being bored to tears. Sound familiar? We all go through it. And, I'm sure, we all think that no one else can possibly feel this pain. It's not supposed to hurt THIS badly.

And don't you just love the advice from your friends? "Just forget about her", "Move on", "Just get over it", lol. I almost tossed my best friend out of a bar one night when he gave me such ill-thought out advice!

Anyway, having said all that. Here's some advice you can choose to follow or not. It worked for me.

1. Keep smiling no matter how miserable it makes you feel. Sooner or later your body WILL follow.

2. Don't make her out to be more than she is. I'm sure she was great, but it's human nature to build her into a mountain when you can't have her. Don't build a delusion.

3. This sounds extremely harsh, but it works. Pretend she's dead and you'll never see her again. I mean, actually pretend this is true.

Lastly, if there is any chance in hell that you two will get back together, here's a definite. Treat it like a wound. The more you scratch it, the more it bleeds. It'll only heal if you leave it alone.

No offense to the ladies (I realize us men have corky traits too), but, don't try to understand why. It'll drive you insane! It is what it is. Once you realize and become strong enough to deal with that, then your healing will begin.

Good luck, and keep ya head up! We're all pulling for ya.
Reply:There is nothing wrong with being single, hun. And I will tell you this, revel in being single. Wait until you are done with high school to worry about relationships. And if you are planning on going to college, let me tell you, that is the best place to find someone. There is nothing anyone else can say or do to make it better. You just have to grow and be stronger. Don't hold onto something that won't ever happen because you might miss out on something better. Hugs.
Reply:Been there. No easy answers. Change your routine. It helps to change where you go, and when to reduce to the chance of running into her. It's hard but you have got to be strong and I know you can do it. Pick your head up and smile like you've got a secret. Try and tell yourself you are better off without her. I say that because it did soulnd like she was only hanging with you until what she thought as something better came along. So, don't take her back. Put her picture in an old box of stuff and put it in the garage or basement or attic. Out of sight, out of mind. You don't want to through it away because one day when it doesn't hurt, it'll be a nice piece of memorabilia to have in your year book. But, Dude. You need to get busy. I don't care if it's playing raquetball, soccer, or football, get some friends together and play some sports or get an afterschool job at an out of the way used book store. The busier you are, the less time you're going to have to think about "What's her name." Get it. You never know, the Right girl for you could tap you on the shoulder and say, "Excuse me, what section can I find books on the civil war?" You never know. It's destiny....


If I captured a bleeding-heart liberal...?

...who liked to report questions that are too scary for him/her to answer, what do you think that I would do to him/her?

If I captured a bleeding-heart liberal...?
make them watch the PETA "How they kill chickens" video over and over and watch them cry themselves into insanity. Brewhahahaha!
Reply:Lets start a new rule - anyone who is caught standing in front of a prison fighting for a prisoners "right" to live, on the night they are supposed to die, has to go in to that prison and TAKE A CRIMINAL HOME with them before leaving the premises.

They CANT answer questions - that's why they have to sneak around and "judge" everyone else!
Reply:And if I found a fire-and-brimstone Christian Right 'you're going to hell' Conservative, I'll smoke some pot with him and forgive him for being a major *sshole.

The base of our bleeding heart is yellowing we live in central jersey?

Bleeding heart plants die back slowly after they are finished blooming. Let nature take its course.

The base of our bleeding heart is yellowing we live in central jersey?
I'm not sure of any parasites or diseases that could be to blame in NJ, but if you've gotten a lot of rain, or water your plants too often, they may yellow.

How long before these bleeding heart liberals start strapping ball bearings on and earn their virgins?

Good one Heroic Liberal. They should enjoy the big orgy in the sky.

How long before these bleeding heart liberals start strapping ball bearings on and earn their virgins?
Sir, the purpose of the American liberal is to b****, whine, cry, and moan unintelligibly for the duration of their miserable lives. They aren't capable of actually DOING anything, fortunately for the rest of us.
Reply:They already are
Reply:You are a moron
Reply:Right after the compassionate conservatives don their jackboots and brown shirts to march through DC and campaign for a Bush dictatorship..

Reply:You're a loser and you shouldn't be allowed to breed. Please help your self to a couple of gallons of chlorine.
Reply:Dude, you have got to stop taking the dog's medication.
Reply:That was a very nonsensical sentences. Been at the LSD cookies again?
Reply:I wouldn't put it past Howard Dean (Chairman of Democratic National Committee) to attempt it...he's tried everything else to get attention and failed miserably.
Reply:FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:soon as they earn thier 72 virgins
Reply:You need to adapt yourself to the nations' ideals of equality and peace!

God bless!

How long before these bleeding heart liberals start strapping ball bearings on and earn their virgins?

now i can see how they get to level 6

How long before these bleeding heart liberals start strapping ball bearings on and earn their virgins?
More sucking sounds from the right...

You've made this guys point.
Reply:Is this Bush? I bet it is cause he's behind all terrorism anyways... My poli-sci teacher told me so, and MTV backed it up.
Reply:How long before you get a life? you are sick. I guess only republicans are allowed to speak up.

BTW I am a liberal I have 2 Jobs. i pay taxes. I go to Church. I don't Judge anyone. I don't hate anyone ( well almost anyone ) why should you hate me? Just because we don't agree this is America Moron
Reply:LMFAO :-)
Reply:All ready happened remember the American Taliban John Walker Lindh he came out of the most liberal part of the Sf Bay area , Mill Valley just 6 miles over the golden gate bridge .

If he was in Afghanistan fighting Americans for the Taliban he would have done the ball bearing surprise here had he the chance
Reply:cause they dont even know what a virgin is, and if they did they would hate them too
Reply:there the ones you complain about because they do not wish to fight
Reply:LOLROTF... Now if you said, 'transexual virgins', they'd be doing it in a whim.
Reply:LOL I can't take it !!!!!!!


Why won't my bleeding heart plant grow?

I wanted to start it inside so I put it in a meduim sized pot with potting soil. I covered up most of it except for like the top inch. I water it regularly but it is not growing at all. What do I do? Put it outside?

Why won't my bleeding heart plant grow?
bleeding heart are hard to grow from babies.... they need lots of light but not direct light! make sure they soil is draining and the water is not sitting in the bottom of the pot you have it in.... try putting it outside during the day if its nice outside where you live.. good luck
Reply:It needs filtered sun but keep it watered.
Reply:Native to woodlands, this shade loving perennial is an excellent addition to any garden...One of my favorites, and I collect the different specimens.

The name bleeding heart describes the unique flowers, which resemble tiny pink or white hearts with drops of blood at the bottom. D. eximia has a fernlike bluish-green foliage, while D. spectabilis has a palmately-compound leaf. Dicentra formosa, the Western Bleeding Heart, is very similar to D. eximia.

Partial shade with rich, organic, moist soil. Will tolerate full sun if given enough moisture, but will not do well if it dries out. Does not like wet soil in the winter or dry soil in the summer. Mulch plants for the first winter so they will become established.

Why don't bleeding heart liberals get it - it's the poor who suffer most from the socially liberal society?

Single mothers left alone because of the loss of respect for fidelity and marriage.

Communities being destroyed by the casual acceptance of drugs.

Teen pregnancies because of the increasing sexualization of childhood (eg teen pop icons promoting overt sexuality).

Why don't bleeding heart liberals get it - it's the poor who suffer most from the socially liberal society?
This doesn't sound socially liberal, it just sounds like a broken society.

"Single mothers left alone because of the loss of respect for fidelity and marriage."

How many mothers are made single because of what is going on in Iraq?

"Communities being destroyed by the casual acceptance of drugs."

With medical marijuana landing people with federal charges, there is no "casual acceptance" of drugs

"Teen pregnancies because of the increasing sexualization of childhood (eg teen pop icons promoting overt sexuality)."

A problem of pop culture, not social liberalism.

Sorry, try again.
Reply:Liberals might be too dumb to understand what you say but democrats aren't. Liberals are such a tiny minority there is no point in ranting about them. Find out what main steam democrats and republicans are saying and make your choice that way. Forget liberals and right wingers.
Reply:Do you really think that the government can control the culture? The 12 years of Conservative government under Reagan Bush saw increasing divorce rates and drug use, is this their fault? The teen pregnancy rate peak under Eisenhower in 1955 and has been declining ever since. Liberals are just more realistic about the limits of government power to control behavior and would alleviate some of the secondary problems that the culture has caused particularly for children. Can you honestly say that the war on drugs has made things better.
Reply:Very few of the poor meet the criteria of your examples. Are you speaking from personal experience or personal opinion based on what you've heard?
Reply:It seems most of the people answering this question don't know what social liberalism means.
Reply:Actually, the rates of teen pregnancy are down. And last I checked, single mothers are single mothers because some irresponsible man knocked her up and ran away.

And since when are drugs are "liberal" problem? Do you know how "hillbilly heroin" and meth are decimating the poor red states?
Reply:"I don't recall."

That is a nice description of most "Red States."
Reply:These are not necessarily examples of how liberals live or what "liberals" have caused in the world. And let's remind the "right wing conservative" who posted this question that we're finding more and more evidence every day that the so called "Family Values" party is anything but. Divorce, marital infidelity, Congressmen trying to hook up with guys in bathrooms...give me a break. The problem with people like this poster is that they listen to Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'REALLY? too much and don't stop to look at the FACTS.
Reply:Liberals have a lower divorce rate than conservatives. Ronald Reagan is the only divorced and remarried American President. Liberals as a general rule do not casually accept drug use. There are probably more liberals actually doing to fight drugs tha conservative. I know that for one I am active helping people in recovery. Drug addiction is an equal opportunity affliction. What is Rush Limbaugh doing to fight drugs? Liberals are Feminists. Liberals are against exploitation and sexual objectification at any age. We want to promote self respect. The teen pop icon Britney Spears says she supports President Bush.
Reply:Why don't War Mongering "Christian" Conservatives get it?

Abortions become more prevalent in poor societies where people don't have access to birth control and can't afford another mouth to feed, and they're dumped on because the "conservative" churches that spend their time telling their parishioners how to vote, don't spend any time ministering to these people, who need it the most?
Reply:Oh yeah, stay with the marriage no matter what, what does Larry Craig's wife must be thinking, and many many more wives will Guiiani go through.
Reply:Sorry, but that stuff is simply NOT supported by Democrats, or socialists (note that I'm separating the two).
Reply:Great quoting from 1955.

Let me guess, rock %26amp; roll is from Satan.
Reply:Yeah right why don't you go and live in Germany then? Oh no sorry the Nazis are no more try Denver.
Reply:I believe in balance. I think the country has been propagandized too much by the loony right. People should be prevented from getting handouts as much as possible, but when working joes can't even get decent health care because fat wealthy drug and insurance companies scam everyone, and the government turns it's cheek there's a big problem. Right now, conservatives are denying the problem. People who notice that there even is a problem are blamed for being liberals. It's really sad.
Reply:wow, you like to turn things into something they aren't don't you?! Um, maybe the Federal Cuts in education from republicans caused the acceptance of drugs. Perhaps the single mothers became single mothers because the men saw what Giuliani was doing and thought they'd give it a whirl. As far as the teen pop icons promoting overt sexuality...I agree with you on that one. But i don't think those teen pop stars even knew about libs/cons, and they promoted stupidity. You can't say that just cause a teen promotes those things that they're a liberal. Most of them are good ol' southern Christian girls (jessica simpson, britany spears, etc.).
Reply:Don't ever confuse liberals with the truth that actions have consequences
Reply:Liberals like to tell us that those problems aren't really there.

"Who are you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?"

How did a bleeding heart liberal like McCain win the Florida primary?

I have no idea and I'm totally bummed out about it.

How did a bleeding heart liberal like McCain win the Florida primary?
He's old and senile like most of the people in Florida.

He's the most liberal Republican running for President in 50 years.
Reply:lol well, all i know is that no matter who wins the rep and dem nominations, we'll have a liberal running this country by 2009!! YAY!
Reply:By not being a bleeding heart liberal.
Reply:EASY, money , connections, stupid people and media front runner (gets most coverage on t.v). Look how much the media covers Ron Paul (they barely even show him in the polls). It's all about the MONEY.
Reply:i know! wtf is happening? im no Ron Paul fan but with the little time they gave RP in that debate, he made the most sense! and is very Republican r u all kidding?!(not u asker)open a textbook for crying out loud! and look at presidents that were real republicans.....that is sad! McCain had no idea wtf he was talking about when it came to economics. big time. there is something in the air. and it smells like BS.
Reply:I'm starting to wonder how many crazy conservatives are going to ask this same question before you start to realize that not everyone is a crazy conservative. McCain being "more liberal" than Huckabee is hardly a bad thing when the latter wants to tear up the constitution and replace it with the bible. Open your eyes, people. You're all hanging out on the lunatic fringe and your little party is much smaller than you think.
Reply:"Bleeding heart liberal"? What in the hell you mean with that? Do you see Mr. McCain "embracing feminism. 'gays rights' or crying over a pig in one of those huge farms? I don't. I consider him too straight, conservative and very pro-traditionalist to be one of those ridiculous "liberals", whatever that term means. He just is not an "Ms. Ann Coulter" extremist like you.
Reply:Good question, apparently Fl loves a good old Washington insider. Tonight's winners prove my point, both seasoned politicians able to follow the political wind like a hound dog.
Reply:He isn't a bleeding heart liberal. McCain is as Republican as they come.
Reply:oh come on, we all know how much Florida likes to "tinker" with those elections ;) haha...

For all you bleeding heart Hezbollah supporters...?

"Firefighters and school officials respond after a high school in northern Israel is hit by Katyusha rockets for the third time in two weeks. "

This is in response to those that accuse Israel of being the bad guy. They have been terrorized for decades be hezbollah...which is a terrorist group assembled by Syria and Iran JUST TO TERRORIZE JEWS.

For all you bleeding heart Hezbollah supporters...?
Time and time again Israel has tried to make peace with its neighbors, by giving into their demands. Israel just wants to live in peace and quiet. This is why Israel withdrew from Southern Lebanon in 2000 and from Gaza last year.

These withdrawals have only led to violence. In the north, Hizbollah has amassed a large arsenal of weapons in Israel's absence, that it is now shooting down onto Israel. Gaza has become a terrorist haven. As soon as Israel withdrew the began further attacking Israel. The 'palestinian' culture is one of hatred and violence - and cannot exist without it. The cannot accept peace, and won't allow it to happen.

"Palestinians" were a people created in the last century solely for the purpose of waging a campaign of violence against Israel. 50 -75 years ago the term "palestinian" meant Jew, but today the local Arabs have coined themselves 'palestinian' and have created a culture of hatred and violence. These are values taught to young children in schools. Peace and tolerance are not taught.

Israel has movements such as "shalom achshav" that preach peace at any cost. These groups are free to criticize the Israeli at any time. Why is there no Arab version of "shalom achshav".

Througout history, every Israeli overture of peace has resulted in more violence. In 1947 / 48 Israel agreed to a 2 state solution. The Arabs response was War. In 1993 the Oslo accords began the handing of autonomous power to the 'palestinians'. This lead to an increase in regular suicide bombings. Buses all over Israel were bombed on a regular basis. In 2000 Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak agreed to give to the palestinians 97% of the land Israel captured in the 1967 war from Jordan and Egypt (not Including the Sinai that was already given away). The 'palestinians' did not accept this. They were offered a state, and they said NO! Their response - the second Intifada. Finally, last year Israel withdrew fro Gaza, this resulted in IMMEDIATE violence, including the daily bombing of Sderot and Ashkelon, in addition to the more recent kidnapping of an Israeli soldier.

In summary, Israel offers peace, arabs respond with violence. To me, this justifies military action. Israel already attempted diplomacy and good will. This was flat out rejected. The arabs want a war, and now they have one.

Israel needs to root out these 2 terrorist organizations, and make the WORLD a safer and better place to live.
Reply:1. don't confuse Jews with Israel. Israel is an occupant, Jews are homeless and many do not support such extreme policies.On the other hand Hezbollah is a Shi'ah ideology but supported by majority of Lebanese.

2. war does not recognize bad/good guy (both parties are participating)

3. Israel defeated Arab nations in 6 days, but it could never defeat Hezbollah for almost 19 years.

4. Do not compare Iran and Israel militarily, there are other elements to be taken into account. For example, by closing Persian Gulf you and your parents would be unemployed in west coast.(because you probably don know what persian gulf is you can google it).

5. I like it when mentally retarded people like you reach a judgement, because I realize how successful the media is to brain wash your empty head for futures purposes (later elections).

I hope my vocabulary does not surpass your limits!!
Reply:the jews are winning. i'm not worried about the people who are winning; i'm worried about the people who are begging for mercy.

you can choose to ignore them, just as terrorists chose to believe all americans should suffer for the decisions of their government. it isn't right. you do not hurt people who are not attacking you. israel is too brutal when she kills children around a few terrorists. they have already killed 1000 and displaced nearly a million. that is not justice, it is vengeance. it is wrong to hurt children because you are too enraged to be careful with your weapons.
Reply:Isreal is not hiding behind the skirts of women and innocent children. Its hard to pinpoint your attackers when they use crowds of innocents as body armour. I say to Isreal kill them all and let God sort them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Hezbollah has also has ties to a certain organization of nations that are meant to be united who call new York city home, but who seem to hate America.

I've said it before and I will keep on saying it-If Israel wanted to be the big, bad guy, they could mop the floor with every other nation in the Middle East. If the Muslims don't quit poking the Israeli dog, they are gonna get bit.
Reply:Yes, but how did *this* current war start? Apparently with a kidnapping of 2 soldiers in response to Israel bombing a family picnicking on a beach. Immediately Israel saw this as an excuse to invade Lebanon. Israel is breaking International Treaties and United States Laws by their actions. We have witnessed almost 1 million displaced people, hundreds of innocent lives lost and the utter destruction of civilian infrastructures in Gaza and Lebanon. Rafi Ginat, editor of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel's largest newspaper, said, "I am prepared to hail down hellfire on the Hezbollah terrorists, their aides, their collaborators, all those who turn a blind eye to them and everyone who so much as smells of Hezbollah and their innocent bystanders can die instead of ours." The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to the Israeli attack on the Lebanese town of Qana, in which many civilians were killed, that "according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy." The killing of innocent men, women and children must be denounced at all levels and by all faiths. People of conscience and faith must set an example and distance themselves from all acts of terrorism. If we don't set an example, who will? I suggest you study your history: In 1982, following a year without any PLO skirmishes over the Lebanese-Israeli border, Israeli armed forces invaded Lebanon anyway. They created a path of destruction all the way to Beirut and militarily occupied south Lebanon for 18 years before they withdrew, except for retaining Shebaa Farms. In 1982, the New York Times reported "indiscriminate bombing" of Beirut by Israeli planes. At least 20,000 Lebanese civilians lost their lives in that invasion and many more were injured. From that conflict Hezbollah was born, composed of many people whose relatives were casualties in that illegal invasion. Do you really think Israel's actions are going to bring peace? It seems to me they will only create more terrorists. The only way out of the carnage is an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, followed by multiparty negotiations to resolve the underlying political disputes based on human rights and international law. Most of the world agrees, but the governments of the U.S., Britain, and Israel have so far rejected calls for an immediate cease-fire.
Reply:So what ? Israel is just as guilty now for killing innocent women and children.

Both side have much to answer for, although both sets of supportrts always want to blame the other side, whilst excusing their own.

I am happy to admit that I consider both side to be responsible.
Reply:Israel and Hezbollah are both in the wrong. Hezbollah fires rockets indiscriminately into Israel killing innocent civilians; Israel bombs the roads and airport, then expects civilians to leave before they start firing guided missiles at civilian infrastructure where there MIGHT be Hezbollah.. :\
Reply:thank you
Reply:I do not believe Israel has to answer to anyone. If the Mexican army kidnapped two of our (U.S.) soldiers, Mexico would be flattened, there would be civilian casulties galore and we would get our soldiers back. It would make Lebonan look like Disneyland. Israel has a right to defend herself. Dont forget, Israel did not attack first. Just like we did not attack first in Afghanastan. We attacked only after 9/11. Israel attacked only AFTER its soldiers were kidnapped.
Reply:I am not a muslim or a jew or even an american but anyone who supports or even symapathizes with hizbollah is an

A S S H O L E , I dont care who you are but if you want to start a was then you are a Not a human you are son of SATAN....
Reply:To kill civilians is wrong. Israel has killed 10 times more civilians than Hezbollah did.

Additionally, Their rockets are not smart unlike Israel's smart bombs

Also the accuracy is somewhat not so high with Katyusha.

One more thing. In Israel people have shelters(almost every building does). Not so much so on the other side of the border.

If you watch what Hassan Nasser Allah says on TV, he says that when Israel targets civilians, he would respond with the same. And if you were following closely the order of attack and the counter attack from both sides, you would find that the escalation was always started south of the border.

And yes, the western media does lie regarding the order of the events, I did even catch the AP two days ago do just that.

FYI, more than 195 countries in the world do not consider Hezballah a terrorist organization. Only 6 countries do.

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What is a bleeding heart liberal? and their views? vs just a liberal?

A bleeding heart liberal is addicted to Politics category in YA, just a liberal doesn't surf the Politics forums ?


What is a bleeding heart liberal? and their views? vs just a liberal?
You are welcome, and thank you for this honor.

My Best Regards. Report It

Reply:I think it's supposed to mean those who feel "too much" for others in terms of their welfare, feelings, equality, and other supposed "trifles." I think it originates from Jesus and the depiction of his bleeding heart pierced by thorns in paintings. Pretty sacrilegious if you ask me.
Reply:ok... my answer is JUST my opinion.....

I believe the difference is commonsense ( by my definition of commonsense)

a bleeding heart liberal ... can not see that what they are calling for isn't always the best option .....when what they want actually infringes on many many others .. or when they want things that are unreasonable to obtain .. perhaps they see the solving of many problems as being easy , through rose coloured glasses if you like...

they really mean well .. and are probably kind hearted and considerate folk .. but they are not practical.

were as (IMHO) A *just a liberal* .. will be practical in their thoughts...
Reply:I'de say Hillary, but she doesn't have one. Sorry, couldn't resist.
Reply:The only difference i can see is the level of indoctrination they are currently at...
Reply:I guess to some conservatives, compassion, and sharing, and cooperation, and caring about others and wanting to even the playing field and so on, is some kind of a negative, because they really seem to think they are insulting us when they call us that. I really don't think there is any difference to the people who use that term in a derogatory way! *sm*
Reply:"Bleeding heart liberal" is usually said as an insult, so I would say for most, using the terms, the definition would be the same.

The term "bleeding heart" liberal refers to one who has such a big heart he just want to create a program to fix any problem out there. But he fail to see how the government just screws things up, often creating more problems than it fixes.

More money for bigger social problems inspite of the fact that they must be funded by tax dollars which hinder our economy. And I have personally witnessed how all the different social programs can actually serve to take motivation away from a person to get a job. If a family can eat better on food stamps than on a low wage job, then why take a low wage job? But taking a low wage job is how you climb the career ladder. But people end up not wanting to start at the bottom because they can do better on the programs Uncle Sam provides. Therefore they never succeed.

Unintended consequenses.
Reply:Those liberals that have served in Iraq
Reply:A liberal has room in his/her brain and heart for a differing viewpoint from a fellow human being. A bleeding heart liberal thinks any viewpoint that deviates from his/her own is the single biggest threat to humanity that will eventually bring about the destruction of the Earth from the core through the mantle to the surface.

EDIT: I guess another distinction might be to say that a liberal believes in a feel-good cause while a bleeding heart liberal actually goes out and actually, personally participates in working on the cause. A simple example would be that a liberal believes in using tax money to purchase hypodermic needles to distribute to heroin addicts so they don't have to use dirty, AIDS-infested ones, (this HAPPENED in Tucson, AZ a few years ago,) and a bleeding heart liberal actually goes out and participates in the distributing of the needles to the druggies. (Yes, MY tax money went to this program.)

Why is a "bleeding heart liberal" the front runner of the Republican party?

Because its a backlash to the current Bush Administration. Americans overall, by majority are not happy with the job approval or State of the Union (Republicans, Democratic, Independents, Libertrians, Green Party, etc).

Why is a "bleeding heart liberal" the front runner of the Republican party?
no hes a conservative
Reply:Giulianis heart bleeds for no one!

I'll be giddy with pleasure if he gets the repub nom.

Not that I would be voring for him!
Reply:how about a partial birth abortion supporter. Prochoice is my way of thinking but partial birth abortion is barbarous. He flip flopped to anti afterwards. But continues to say he would fund someone elses right to choose. Basically his position is so mired and muddled no one believes what he says about it.
Reply:Ha! It's so true. He used to be a registered Democrat.
Reply:Did Gore changed parties?
Reply:Not my front runner.

There's still plenty of time.
Reply:They at least want to be 'in the race'. With any of the others, they would be dead on arrival.

Watch, he's going to move more and more to the right, but we know, we know! That's how they prostitute themselves for votes.
Reply:he is the only one who has any sense
Reply:Rudy kicks some booty

McCain may be a RINO with a trophy wife
Reply:because Blood sucking, evil doing, poor hating and homosexual smearing, sick in the head bastards takes to long to say when they discribe themselves!

They need to say anyone who is agianst them is something bad so they sound like they are holyer then thou!

What better way then to pick on Liberals, Just who a liberal is is actualy simple to understand a Liberal is:

Anyone who realizes ush is a moron!

Or you can look it up in the dictionary
Reply:Because compared to you ostriches, he is extreme right.
Reply:they can't find anyone else.

We're done with crazies
Reply:John Kerry is a Republican now???
Reply:Because the Republicans have put party before people. They don't think conservative ideology can win as an election platform, so they settle for the best "electable, rock star" candidate they can find (q.v. Arnold Schwarzenegger).

Real modern conservatism (not this centrist, namby-pamby stuff) wins elections everytime, but the Republican party isn't willing to take up the banner.
Reply:I am interested to know this too. No other realistic options, I guess!
Reply:Which liberal republican are you speaking of?
Reply:Perhaps because it's a year and a half until the election???

As soon as Fred Thompson enters the race, Rudy will drop like a stone.

Which would the bleeding heart liberal come to the aid of first?

A 9/11 attacker or a defenseless baby in a womb?

Which would the bleeding heart liberal come to the aid of first?
I would say 9/11 attacker, but they think Bush did it and they wouldn't help Bush if he was drowning. I would say a baby, but they need them to feed their abortion machines. I'm gonna have to say none. Now a tree.............
Reply:You know if women had to pay a republican everytime a woman had a abortion, they would be all for it! Even though I dont agree with Dems. on this issue I will support a womens right to choose. Look at republicans, they would rather throw a fetus in the garbage instead of giving it to science to help cure diseases, who are the real monsters! Idiot.
Reply:probably the baby in a womb but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

Do you think bleeding-heart Democrats were bedwetters as children?

Are those pillow-biters former child bedwetters?

Do you think bleeding-heart Democrats were bedwetters as children?
i think they still wet the bed if you want the truth
Reply:Dumb question. Even worse, it's not funny.
Reply:Yep! We wet the bed, drank breast milk... in PUBLIC! And played evil games like D%26amp;D, Risk, and Candyland (evilist game in the world by far)
Reply:How's Junior High goin' for ya'? Get anything above a C yet?

Oh, and don't worry, the girls might like you some day... when you grow up.

But I doubt it.
Reply:Why must you be so hateful?

What are you so afraid of?
Reply:ya i guess
Reply:Hmmm...I actually think blood-thirsty Republicans tortured and/or killed small animals as children.
Reply:I think there are 2 types of people in this world. Those who still have blood lust in thier heart and want wars and those who have had a belly full and want peace. Personally, I believe when one is hurt we are all hurt, when one is helped we are all helped. It's called evolving.
Reply:as if,,,,,, republicans are bully's,,, especially fiscal conservatives,,, cause they think they are better than every one else,,,, shame on you and your family for raising you,,, what an embarrassment to your country,,,
Reply:why do conservatives get all "bleeding heart" over the "poor children in Iraq".. yet hate the children here who's parents are on welfare? Why do you love poor Iraqi children yet hate poor American children?
Reply:Wow...another closet homosexual. Phrases like pillow-biter give you away. Dude, it's okay if you like guys. They even have special log poundin....i mean log cabin republican organizations that you can join.
Reply:A a democrat I never had that problem. but I think President Bush is all wet.
Reply:man you are a smart one!!!!

you attack ones ideology by calling them bed wetters nnnniiiccee!!!

since you don't agree with them are they also thumb suckers???

why don't you come up with an intelligent cogent argument instead of coming up with your stupid non-sense!!!!

instead of worrying about whether or not democrats are bed wetters why don't you instead take a look at what your boy bush is doing to our country instead of keeping your head up is A S S!!!!
Reply:Hello pharcydetrip

Now, now...don't pick on the Dem's. You come off as a bully when you tease the defenseless in their hour of need. Our little freinds should be getting our sympathy and encouragement to find their way out of the wilderness of near political obscurity. (after all if it weren't for geri-mandering they'd be nearly extinct.)

They're not nearly as accepted as they think that they are and it causes them much consternation and confusion. And they'll never get any brighter (unless they opt for lobotomies) so cut them some slack, and just nod politely as they babble on about what ever it is they are whining about that day. And then go on about your business of becoming wealthy and happy in the land of the free and the home of the brave.


GB America.
Reply:Not too bright, are ya? LOL Can't come up with a valid question on your own?
Reply:Sounds like you're thirsty...
Reply:looks like you hit a nerve, must be right.................
Reply:Anyone interested in comparing the average quality of thinking between liberals and conservatives might want to take note of questions like this.
Reply:The staple king just wet MY bed!

And you're the pillow-biter.I've noticed a lot of hypocrisy from the right in relationship to vulgarity.Moral values,from the far right.What a joke.

Most hostile reactionaries I think were abused as children.

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I am a bleeding heart liberal.?

Will I go to heaven???..

Also i had my brain surgically removed.

I am a bleeding heart liberal.?
You actions as a bleeding heart liberal have more to do with your chances of getting into heaven than just being one. You could be the most bleeding hearted of all liberals, but if you go around kicking homeless people, you'll still probably go to hell.

EDIT: You may hope that, but you'd probably just compound it.
Reply:I'll just tell you there is a heaven so your last moments will be peaceful. But no, you won't go to heaven, you get buried in the ground then eventually everyone forgets about you.
Reply:come around to the side door..ill let ya in...well need some smartasses and comics up here...
Reply:Jesus was a bleeding heart liberal. He went to heaven.

You on the other hand are just a right-wing troll, and not a very good one at that, so no, you are going to burn in hell where you belong along with the rest of your ilk.
Reply:Dude, you're.... weird.
Reply:"Also i had my brain surgically removed."

Well that's obvious from your question. And my guess is that you'll come back as a cockroach.
Reply:I think if you were really a bleeding heart liberal, you probably don't believe in a heaven. Teehee....

Americans. Whats a bleeding heart liberal?

Being called liberal in Europe is a compliment meaning your cultured and enlightened enough to empathize with other types of people. And understand that different people raised in different ways are gonna think differently to you. Why is that bad?

Americans. Whats a bleeding heart liberal?
yawwwnnn who cares? this is a british site, not an american one.
Reply:Here it's a political thing. There's the Conservatives and the Liberals. Left and Right. The donkey and the elephant, I think. Anyway, the Conservatives have run the show around here for a while. Liberals are often known for great ambitions but nothing to back them up. It's a political struggle, and since Conservatives have had much power the Liberals look bad. It's point of view and whatnot.
Reply:a bleeding heart liberal in the USA means that liberals are soft on crime and national defense. libs belive more for criminals rights that law abiding citizens rights. libs belive that America should be able to defend itself and put itself under a new world order and give up its sovereignty.
Reply:"Bleeding heart liberal" is a phrase that underscores the absolute effeminacy characteristic of left-wingers. Having little contact with the real world (the arena of manly strife and labor) the bleeding heart tends to be a rather frail product of our hothouse universities. Fragile in mind as well as body, the bleeding heart always takes the path of least resistance, which means strict conformity to the university Brahmins' party line. Obliged by the party to feel pity, the poor dweeb promptly replies with a show of pity; and so it goes for all other such Noble Sentiments. In brief, the bleeding heart is no more than a pathetic puppet--what Anthony Burgess might have categorized as a "clockwork orange."

As a Goth and poet, I regard bleeding hearts as opponents to spontaneity, inspiration, and self-expression. Worse than subhuman, they are anti-human inasmuch as they've surrendered the demonic Self (the wayward individual soul) just to procure a warm soft place in the other-directed Commune.

Where do the bleeding heart liberals hide out??

Seriously, I'd love to know what goes on in your minds when it comes to crime, especially sex offenders who ruin lives of people for ever. How can you say "let's rehabilitate"? Unfortunately, it's mostly judges (previous lawyers) out there who decide the punishments which end up being a mere slap on the hand. Just for sick kicks, go to MEGANSLAW.COM and type in your zip code and see if you don't get a little nautious..... and remember, the results make up about 15% of what actually goes on. Most children are molested by people they know and never report it.

Where do the bleeding heart liberals hide out??
Reply:I personally believe that all convicted pedophiles should do jail time.

If they killed children after other

horrible things were done then I believe they should

be put to death. Of course the court should be absolutely positive they have the right person. I am

a liberal and if rehabilitation would work then I'm

for a second chance. Personally I don't think rehabilitation works on pedophiles. Nothing ever will.
Reply:Liberals do not support child molesters. But we do think that depriving people of freedom should only be used for those who are a real threat to the community-- including child molesters. Why do you find it necessary to beat up on Liberals (or, rather, a right-wing straw man concept of them)? I think that's your real issue here.
Reply:DOCTOR, I have one question. Why is it that you are unfamiliar with the correct spelling of nauseous?

The degree of emotion you display suggests that you were also molested as a child. You might benefit from some help in that regard.
Reply:It seems that forgiveness, compassion, and consideration are much easier preached about from the pulpit every Sunday than practiced every other day. But for the grace of god...etc.

I am not defending poor decisions made by evil/degenerate people. But assuming they are punished for their crimes, shouldn't everyone have an opportunity to improve themselves? I think this is one of the fundamental laws of Christianity. Additionally, (secularly) if you don't like the penalties for the crimes, then petition the legislature to strengthen them. I realize that sex offenders are sick and they must be prevented from performing any repeat offense. But they are still human, no matter how badly you want not to admit it. You just can't kill 'em all...slippery slope you know.

I also agree with kreevich.
Reply:If you wouldn't be so quick to put a lable on everything, maybe you could be able to think more rationally, thus making what you say seem more sensible.......
Reply:There in the army defended our country, stop throwing mud where your morals
Reply:The legal system is there more to protect the innocents than to punish the guilty. We could just do away with the court system and hang everyone arrested and charged with a crime, but that isn't just. In order to provide true justice, you must be willing to allow some guilty to go free in exchange for killing/imprisoning/etc. innocents. That is one of the major tenants of the Bill of Rights.

Why can't bleeding heart liberals accept illegal aliens are ILLEGAL?

No what I can't understand is why illegals are protesting this and demanding rights as though they have ANY rights. I don't understand where they get off. They demand that they get the same rights as legals who have worked for their citizenship. They aren't legals. They aren't supposed to be here and yet they are protesting and demanding rights. They need to realize that they have no rights and deserve no rights. They are stealing jobs and causing crime in a country that they are in illegally.

Why can't bleeding heart liberals accept illegal aliens are ILLEGAL?
As soon as you accept that the market forces at play are so overwhelming that no amount of allcaps will functionally bring about enforcement. In order to responsibly address this issue it will require something far more conscientious and macroscopic so as to keep the demands of human rights and economic stability in play.

It is moronically irresponsible to think that manifested xenophobia directed at illegal immigrants is appropriate, right, or even productive. If you are to further your apparent goal of ridding America of illegal immigrants the primary focus of your attention should be on the demand for the labor they provide. This will necessarily beg some questions:

What is it about American culture that makes us so systematically unwilling to work hard? Secondly, how pervasive is our dependance upon the extremely low wage that these workers are willing to work for? What would the transition to an alien-free work force look like?

We have seen in the past how slight perturbations in the domestic economy have had drastic effects. With our current state of unprecedented foreign debt, are we really prepared to endure any kind of rapid readjustment?

Finally, and tantamount to the above, we cannot as members of the human family sit atop our pile of marbles greedily hoarding our fortune crying out divisions between 'us' and 'them'. It is absolutely critical that as we approach policy decisions of this magnitude we do so with the patience and clarity to consider the legacy we are leaving for the globe.

On a personal note, I'd like to add that I firmly believe that a humane and reasonable solution to this issue does exist. Any such solution will necessarily be multi-faceted and can in no way serve the forces of racism at play here.
Reply:they are aware of the fact that if liberalism is to expand it can best do so by recruiting support from a dependent lower class that dosen't really understand what probloms they create simply by being here at all %26gt; NO HABLE INGLES NO COMPRENDE LA PROBLEMA%26gt;dont think for a minute that the libs dont understand and exploit this principle simply to grow their ranks%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; lack of awareness and blatant irresponsibility are liberal prereqisats
Reply:Somehow you equate this issue with "Bleeding heart liberals?" I believe there's this guy at the White House that calls the Minutemen, vigilantes, (mustn't do it, no good can become of it) Ironically, as someone who appears to make a blanket statement of such moronic proportions, you haven't heard who is sticking up for this cause and who isn't. There is not an across the board bi-lateral call from either side, as a "Bleeding Heart Liberal" who lives in a border town I tell you, this is very black and white to me: You're here legally, or you're not. Very much like my liberal brethren across the nation; Look at your top guy and his cronies my friend, you'll see where the nuanced stance is being held. My rich white republican friends want their illegals so they can pay them below minimum wage to get the rush of actually "helping the little people"...Please investigate before exposing your idiocy...
Reply:I tell you we need to take a good ole boy can of whoop *** to Mexico and set that government strait..Get the hell out of the Middle East and start right here at home. Clean house with making things right. We the legals have rights too. We have the right to make sure our laws are in forced and if they are not then by God Why not..Because the American Good Ole Boys have moved there companies to Mexico and that is the cost of doing business....Its a matter of who can put what in there pockets. Its all about money,power,and the liberals trying to brain wash us...Its the right thing to do.The Liberals are killing this country..And fast too.
Reply:Would you protest if you were paying for cheap labor? The real conservatives (as opposed to the two faced con artist ones) aren't hiring, it's the liberals?
Reply:Why should we? You sociopath Conservative Republicans have screwed both. So if you have pile of sheeit and it really stinks, and you stick a stick in the middle of it and stir it around, doesn't it stink even more? I say America deports the Conservative trouble making Republicans, and seize all of their assets, and just keep the Latino's and the other 100 types of immigrants in America. It would all be good riddance, BYE BYE!
Reply:Been asking this question for a while now. They always have an irrelevant answer. ("Everybody came here from illegal ancestors","they just want to get a better job to feed their families",they claim "USA 'stole this land", etc.etc)ILLEGAL obviously means IMMUNE (to following laws), to illegal immigrants. All that other b.s. is just skirting the issue of ILLEGAL entry. (a felony)
Reply:Freedom and justice are fading memories, the U.S. Constitution is "just a goddamn piece of paper," and the election process has been undermined. The jobs have been shipped overseas, the economy is hopeless, the environment is being raped, the Army is "broken," the infrastructure is crumbling, our borders are being dissolved, and every dollar or gold nugget that was subject to being looted, is already gone. With the entire nation and its population deep in debt, crashing the economy is a simple matter of raising interest rates, which will allow the bankers to once again scoop up all mortgaged property, and force its inhabitants out into the street. Instead of calling it illegal immigration, we should be calling it a foreign invasion, because the consequences of this invasion are as terminal to our freedoms and to our way of life as any act of terrorism ever perpetrated against us! The United States is being invaded - FOREIGN INVADERS.

The American people need to understand that the United States is under attack!

No, not by Iraq or Iran, but by Mexico! Yes, Martha, you had better believe it.

The Mexican government is deliberately and systematically working to destabilize and undermine the very fabric and framework of American society.

And President George W. Bush and Senators John McCain and Ted Kennedy (among others) are aiding and abetting this effort. "

Gramsci, a young communist who died in one of Mussolini's prisons in 1937 at the age of 46, conjured up the notion of a 'quiet' revolution that could be diffused throughout a culture -- over a period of time -- to destroy it from within. He was the first to suggest that the application of psychology to break the traditions, beliefs, morals, and will of a people could be accomplished quietly and without the possibility of resistance.

---------" Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice"---------------------: John Adams

My goodness we are being invaded by dishwashers, cooks, fruit pickers,hotel workers. And MS-13. And try to sell the image of the sweet, hard working Mexican people someplace else because I know better

----------"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."-------

---------- Edmund Burke

And what do you think you'll have when you destroy the American people and the American infrastructure?.

Do you think you'll be free? Do you think you'll be masters of your destiny?

Think again because the people that you are supporting - the illegal invaders to America aren't educated enough and they aren't smart enough. They will turn America into the same kind of country that Mexico is - a fascist state with a tiny minority controlling all the wealth and the rest of the people in abject poverty. They will be slaves - they are slaves and what this country is doing to them is an insult to them but they aren't bright enough to figure that out - and apparently Many American Citizens aren't either.

Wealthy farmers and landowners have always considered the slavery as a birthright. Since the Civil War, it has been denied to them, but they got it back with the WTO GATS agreement.

And therein lies the strategy for addressing the question of illegal aliens, the so-called ‘guest worker’ programs, the sale of American citizenship for profit and the destruction of the lives of American citizens who are being crushed financially, emotionally and spiritually by the WTO trade agreements.

We have to start calling it what it is - Slave Trade and we need to dig out our blue uniforms and fight the war against the Slavers once again.

Ain't dat right Mass'r Specter?
Reply:Why can’t ignorant conservative hicks realize that all it takes to make something LEGAL is to CHANGE THE LAW?

And when answering don’t use ANY republican spin.
Reply:Please. Why can't rich CEO's accept it? Republicans like cheap local labor. They just think a buck or two should separate them from 'those disgusting coloreds'.
Reply:i am not against immigration just illegal immigration i once said on here this kind of stuff has been going on since the start of time and i was told i didnt know what i was talking about heres a example

:With the onset of hard economic times in the 1870s, other immigrants and European Americans began to compete for the jobs traditionally reserved for the Chinese. With economic competition came dislike and even racial suspicion and hatred. Such feelings were accompanied by anti-Chinese riots and pressure, especially in California, for the exclusion of Chinese immigrants from the United States. The result of this pressure was the Chinese Exclusion Act, passed by Congress in 1882. This Act virtually ended Chinese immigration for nearly a century.

Currently, millions illegal aliens commandeer jobs away from American citizens. If they don't steal those jobs, they depress the wages to the point of legalized slavery. We have an estimated one million illegal alien Chinese in this country (Source: March 2005 Forbes Magazine). At the same time, we outsource jobs to China where a billion people can't wait to make 50 cents an hour. Human smugglers bringing illegals into America make $7 billion annually according to the report.

Do they work the jobs Americans won't do? False! If American doctors were paid $5.00 an hour they wouldn't be working those hospital jobs either.

You have to ask yourself if you want illegal immigrant doctors working at minimum wage to perform a by-pass heart surgery on you? Would you like an illegal immigrant lawyer defending you in court for $5.00 an hour? How about a $5.00 an hour illegal immigrant college professor teaching your kids calculus? How about an illegal alien truck driver driving down the road at 70 MPH with 80,000 pounds of steel, no ability to read English and a fifth grade education-from Mexico's educational system?

Meanwhile, profits soar for corporations while the middle class of America plummets into worsening unemployment. Will America drop into Third World conditions as economist Paul Roberts predicts? At the current rate of 4.1 million legal and illegal newcomers imported into the United States annually, it's only a matter of time before, we too, manifest conditions of the Third World. You can't drown the labor market with millions of people and expect to keep your wages high when immigrants will undercut you.

That's why the pay in China or India is less than $10.00 per day. They have 2.4 billion people in those two countries. That's why they live subsistence lives. In time, that reality will manifest itself in America as the middle class vanishes. It's already happening. You need look no further than California as an example of the first Third World State of America.

Call your representatives

fabric boot

Why are there bleeding heart groups that support our enemies in war and not us?

There are there always some people that say we are evil in war and we should give the other side a break. We go to war with them and they brutallly kill our men and women and yet some people sympathize and say we should not torture or kill their people please tell me why you would side with their people when our people are being tortured and killed?

Why are there bleeding heart groups that support our enemies in war and not us?
You have to understand the problem is that we were not attacked by Iraq. Our own government begrudgingly admits that. (9/11 commission report) Now the rally cry is that the US freed an oppressed people from a brutal dictator (in which Iraq was) However, that can not be a sole reason to go to war, because if that is, then we have a whole lot more countries to invade. Ones with more powerful allies and greater international military capabilities. It is as if we burned down the house across the street for something their neighbor did. As a liberal and a former member of the military I do not take the side of anyone who kills an American soldiers. And anyone who does should NOT be tortured. No one should be tortured EVER. These are people who are fighting for what they believe. They believe it as much or more than anything we have ever held dear to us. They are patriots (the word patriot is not only reserved for the good guys)for their beliefs, much like we would be if someone invaded our land and overthrew our government. Because I say they should not be tortured doesn't mean I take their side... get real. and read a newspaper.
Reply:was jesus the biggest traitor in history when he commanded his followers to turn the other cheek and love thier enemies? of course not - but i'm sure some of the conservatives of his time accused him of being one.
Reply:u r abosolutely rite!! we shudnt take that from ne1!! i propose u nd i forge an alliance then dominate this screwed up planet!! hahahahahaha(unless ur american)hahahahahahaha!
Reply:Because they live in a fantasy world of sugar and spice... where we all sing kum by yah arm and arm into the sunset. Where all our solders are murdering scum and the enemy is all sweetness and light.

"The world is a dangerous place to live

not because of the people who are evil,

but because of the people who don't do

anything about it."

-- Albert Einstein
Reply:You sound really young.
Reply:Because we are supposed to be the flag bearer of ethical behavior. Stooping to that level only serves to create an endless vicious cycle which benefits no one. If a wasp stings you, do you continue to stand there poking its nest with a stick?
Reply:Because as always, it is easier and cowardly to be against something than to stand for something.
Reply:we're held to the geneva convention - but iraq doesn't have to follow it.

people don't understand that.
Reply:The answer is in the stars
Reply:Do you want to be the kind of country that tortures your enemies? Because then you will have a lot of them...
Reply:I think its great that you are asking this as a question rather than name calling or making personal attacks. I hope the responses you get are respectful.

The people who think we should give the other side a break are very few. Maybe one percent of the country. The majority of the country is against the war, but this certainly doesn't mean we are for the other side. I think the people who are supporting the enemy are doing our country a terrible dis-service, like the people who support the war. Most people support the military, and want desperately for the government to take actions to protect our soldiers from dying for a worthless cause.

We don't torture our enemies because a civilized country conducts themselves in a civilized manner. Torture and the killing of innocents is for terrorists, who must be stopped for that very reason. We are the greatest country that has ever existed, those who doubt that should take a hard look at history. We answer torture with conventional warfare and brutality with an effort to erradicate those who would take such cowardly actions. As the greatest country in the world we have a responsibility, not just to win, but to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Our war is on terrorism, we cannot become terrorists ourselves.
Reply:What are these groups, exactly? And excuse me, but we are also killing them and torturing them, or have you not heard of Abu Grahb and Guantanamo Bay? What do you think war is, a card game? They kill us, we kill them. That's what war is. It's not one sided. Some of us feel sorry for the people who are getting murdered by our military in this unjust illegal war. Why is that such a bad thing?
Reply:I agree with you! In fact a lot of other very smart people have spoke on that subject.

In 1941, Albert Einstein replied to a letter he recieved from a pacifist. He said,

"If all the young people in America were to act as you intend to act, the country would be defenseless and easily delievered into slavery."
Reply:I take it you're from Israel? Or a US citizen referring 9/11?

In either case, the argument certainly isn't "you should give the other side a chance". The argument is, first you need to ascertain WHO the other side IS! For example, in Israel's case, the enemy is NOT every man, woman and child of Lebanon. In the US case, the enemy was NOT Afghanistan or Iraq.

The second charge to the argument is, and in the words of Bush himself, you need to use "a proportionate and balanced response"

Going back to Israel, the razing of entire districts by blanket bombing and the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian structures eg homes, schools, roads, bridges, water treatment facilities, petrol stations etc, is not a balanced response to the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers - it is a response to the age-old persecution of the Jews, by an angry child-PM, fuelled by bitter memories and a new fat military force who is now using his new military toy in an enraged and misdirected way.
Reply:because they are all Palestinians! We support the Israelis. But Bush just send a little over 500 million Dollars to Lebanon. Yes, that's correct over 500 million dollars. Lebanon is a Palestinian country. That money should stay here at home! Why help our enemies??
Reply:Where are your sources for this question??? You have no idea what you are talking about! I'm a bleeding heart Liberal, ex-military who supports our troops, not the administrations reasons for sending them to Iraq. You'd should really put a little thought into your questions before you post them.
Reply:I can tell you of a conservative group that has funded the terrorist for the pas 5 years. They are known as the bush administration. Their policy is to encourage the use of fossil fuel around the country.

90% of the terrorist funding comes from oil money. Instead of cutting down on our imports to undercut their funding of terrorist groups trying to attack us, they lowered the worlds supply by the Iraq invasion shutting down their oil production, and raised demand by not trying to establish alternative fuel sources in this country.

This makes the oil industry profitability grow through out the world, and gives more money to the terrorists.

The only way we can stop this is to vote Democrat this fall. If we vote Democrat, we will take money out of the terrorist pocket.
Reply:Because a lot of the "bleeding hearts" are actually ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing. They like to portray themselves as the rational, peace loving, heroes of democracy when actually they seek radical changes in our government, our constitution, our economic system, and our society. In order to achieve this goal they defend and support our enemies and hope for our defeat.

P.S. The above statement in no way is an endorsement of torture. Torture is ethically unacceptable and doesn't achieve the intended result anyway.

For the uninformed out there: NO ONE IS BEING TORTURED AT GUANTANAMO BAY....unless it's the guards that have to put up with these animals.
Reply:It's nothing new.
Reply:dude u dont know anything in this world.

have u ever listen to the news about the sexual tortureing the americans have done to the iraqi prisoners

that is why they are suicide bombing, for revenge for that.

Is being a 'bleeding heart liberal' really so bad?

After all, what's wrong with compassion, understanding, peace and love?

Just wondering.


Is being a 'bleeding heart liberal' really so bad?
Nothing wrong with it - on the social side of things. I am a social liberal, and a fiscal conservative. It is really nice to be able to please and enrage both extremes at the same time.
Reply:Yes . In the long run it is detrimental to the human race! It allows the weakest among us to not only survive but thrive basically at the expense of the strong! So we as a race will keep getting weaker and weaker
Reply:There's nothing wrong with it - but some people will pull their face and call you one as though it is an insult anyway. They don't realise it can never really be an insult to call someone a caring person....
Reply:because "bleeding heart liberals" don't profit the likes of Halliburton with their tree hugging.

warmongers/neoconmen now thats were the cool people are at? see they "is chillin' like a villain' with taxpayer money
Reply:Nothing wrong with it!
Reply:I don't believe in calling people that! Nor do I believe calling people neocon is right...

There is nothing wrong with caring for your neighbors. It should be voluntary.
Reply:It is when they want to fix the problems of the world with my money.
Reply:well, there are limits to everything, but there is nothing wrong with wanting the best for people in your country. some folks take it too far, and it becomes more like 'coddling'. i hate coddling.
Reply:When you let emotion, compassion, and love supersede common sense and what is in accordance with the Constitution - yes, it is bad. It might "feel good" to do something, but that doesn't make it good, in the long term, for the country.
Reply:It's better to have a bleeding heart than no heart at all. I know that some conservatives accuse us of focusing on feelings rather than on facts, but I disagree with this. While it's important to operate on reason and facts, it's also important to take the human element into consideration.
Reply:No, it's not so bad. The neocons would like you to think it's a mental disease but they don't understand since they suffer the most from mental disorders.
Reply:Nothing wrong with being a compassionate human being at all. But, what IS wrong is to sit on your hands while the vermin of the earth are threatening your nation, and working actively to destroy your culture. Gee, if our nation is all that great, seems to me it would be worth fighting for....Oh, maybe that's it.......liberals have no will to fight! Now, THAT might explain it. Republican conservatives (Democratic conservatives as well) don't like fighting either. But, life dictates that

sometimes, our values must be defended. The trick here is to fight, fight with resolve, and fight until the enemy is defeated, not fight only until the next campaign cycle begins. I always enjoyed a quote from (I believe) former Senator Phil Gramm, who was once asked why he couldn't have the heart of a liberal. His response, as I heard it, was "I do. I keep it in a jar on my desk".

Now Folks, THAT is a conservative! LOL
Reply:The answer is 'NO' so long as they're not writing checks that other people have to cash! The 'Liberal Agenda' that is preached in the schools and used to brow beat the people into guilt ridden submission is fine if you're Oprah or some other multi-millionaire whose interest on the interest of the interest of the money they've made is more than the average American makes in a year, but what's in it for me? I make either too much or too little to take advantage of the system, so I just pay and pay and pay. Where's the compassion, understanding, peace and love for the working man or woman who pays the taxes that keep this ship of state afloat? We get precious little from the 'bleeding heart liberals'!
Reply:If you are 18 and not a liberal you have no heart. If you are 30 and still a liberal, you have no brain.

A lesson they don't teach in public schools (I wonder why?) is of the early pilgrims. Originally, they set up a collective, where everyone shared the fruits of their labors equally ... and they nearly starved to death. Since this didn't seem to be working, they alloted each their own plots, and allowed them to sell any surplus ... and this was successful.

For some insane reason, the liberals are still trying to establish the collective.

(One definition of insanity is to repeat the same behavior, and expect a different result.)
Reply:Nothing on an individual level.

It's went liberals try to force others to support their ideas, that you get conflict.

Like I told a militant veggan.

" Eat all the grass you want and God Bless You,but if you try to force it down my throat,we'll have problems."
Reply:Conservatives have a great deal of compassion. They give more to charity and are more likely involved in helping the poor. Liberals who call them greedy and racist are not being compassionate. More like phony.

read the links before you thumbs down. The rhetoric in this country is brutal. Don't be a part of it. My ex-girlfriend was a huge lib. I never saw her do one thing to help people except scream for the government to do it. That's why we broke up. I cannot stand people who whine about the world and do nothing to help.

what did I tell you? thumbs down. You show them the stats and what people are doing and they dismiss it because it just could not be.
Reply:There is nothing wrong with compassion, understanding, peace, love or empathy. That is not what is meant by bleeding heart liberal. The term describes someone that wants to Overlook personal choices and personal responsibility because the Person chose bad and irresponsible behavior in favor of doing what feels good. Smoking dope and losing ones job for substance abuse and then going on welfare is a prime example. Why prop this person up with compassion and understanding because of their poor choice. Instead we should say, damn it hurts to go hungry and without a cell phone doesn't it. We would be better served to teach this person right and wrong instead of trying to "be understanding" to their addiction.
Reply:As a liberal, and since I read the term..."bleeding heart" as a preface to the term liberal, I have checked my heart on a regular basis. Guess what. It is not bleeding.

Apparently this is just one more of thousands of neo-com misconceptions popular among the illiterate.

I suppose that, for the uninformed mind, denigrating that which they don't understand is normal human behavior. It appears to be...historical.

So, can we really blame them for being the natural born followers they graduate to be? I say...No.

We must allow them their right to be...what was it, Oh Yeah...

Uninformed. I'm really trying to be non confrontational here.

Did I make it?
Reply:Nothing wrong with being a compassionate human being.

Hard to understand how some see it as a pejorative.
Reply:because those days are over, you want another vietnam, you love those days, people today made it seem like hippies were god and good people,

you should join the code pink
Reply:Those Bleeding Hearts, wanna bleed us dry with higher taxes. The concept of "everything flows through the Government". Has never worked.
Reply:Any stance to the far left or the far right is not to the benefit of our country.
Reply:I would rather be a bleeding heart lib, Then a cold hearted con.
Reply:It's fine just as long as you're not in a position of authority. All that emotion doesn't make for common sense decisions.
Reply:they have no peace, love and understanding and you would figure this out simply by reading anything the drive-by media prints. I have yet to know any liberal who is happy!
Reply:Nobody has said that it is wrong to be compassionate. Liberal and compassionate are not synonomous. In fact, I would argue that they are opposites.
Reply:Nothing is wrong with being a bleeding-heart liberal . But they must be prevented from being in any position of power when it comes to the rough world of Foreign Policy .
Reply:Only when they ACTUALLY contribute to the tax base they so generouly want to give out to illegals should they have the right to say anything.

Don't sit there in your section 8 house, eating lucky charms my tax dollars paid for waiting for the welfare check to come in the mail and tell me where my hard earned tax dollars should go.

Was Leona Lewis' "Bleeding Heart" used on any TV shows/movies?

I heard the song on the radio today and I could've sworn that I've heard it before-- either on a TV show or a movie, but I'm leaning towards a TV show because I haven't watched a movie in a very long time. It's killing me! Help anybody?

Was Leona Lewis' "Bleeding Heart" used on any TV shows/movies?
I highly doubt it,Leona Lewis' song "Bleeding Love" was released late 2006,itt's on the radio quite a lot and there is an advert for her album 'Spirit' when the song is played but other than that from what iam awareof ithasn't been used anywhere else.Also the song sn't a coverit might sound similar to other songs partly because of who it was produced by but I would say that's it.
Reply:Thanks!! Report It

Reply:she performed live on xfactor season 4 and loose women