Friday, November 18, 2011

Do you think bleeding-heart Democrats were bedwetters as children?

Are those pillow-biters former child bedwetters?

Do you think bleeding-heart Democrats were bedwetters as children?
i think they still wet the bed if you want the truth
Reply:Dumb question. Even worse, it's not funny.
Reply:Yep! We wet the bed, drank breast milk... in PUBLIC! And played evil games like D%26amp;D, Risk, and Candyland (evilist game in the world by far)
Reply:How's Junior High goin' for ya'? Get anything above a C yet?

Oh, and don't worry, the girls might like you some day... when you grow up.

But I doubt it.
Reply:Why must you be so hateful?

What are you so afraid of?
Reply:ya i guess
Reply:Hmmm...I actually think blood-thirsty Republicans tortured and/or killed small animals as children.
Reply:I think there are 2 types of people in this world. Those who still have blood lust in thier heart and want wars and those who have had a belly full and want peace. Personally, I believe when one is hurt we are all hurt, when one is helped we are all helped. It's called evolving.
Reply:as if,,,,,, republicans are bully's,,, especially fiscal conservatives,,, cause they think they are better than every one else,,,, shame on you and your family for raising you,,, what an embarrassment to your country,,,
Reply:why do conservatives get all "bleeding heart" over the "poor children in Iraq".. yet hate the children here who's parents are on welfare? Why do you love poor Iraqi children yet hate poor American children?
Reply:Wow...another closet homosexual. Phrases like pillow-biter give you away. Dude, it's okay if you like guys. They even have special log poundin....i mean log cabin republican organizations that you can join.
Reply:A a democrat I never had that problem. but I think President Bush is all wet.
Reply:man you are a smart one!!!!

you attack ones ideology by calling them bed wetters nnnniiiccee!!!

since you don't agree with them are they also thumb suckers???

why don't you come up with an intelligent cogent argument instead of coming up with your stupid non-sense!!!!

instead of worrying about whether or not democrats are bed wetters why don't you instead take a look at what your boy bush is doing to our country instead of keeping your head up is A S S!!!!
Reply:Hello pharcydetrip

Now, now...don't pick on the Dem's. You come off as a bully when you tease the defenseless in their hour of need. Our little freinds should be getting our sympathy and encouragement to find their way out of the wilderness of near political obscurity. (after all if it weren't for geri-mandering they'd be nearly extinct.)

They're not nearly as accepted as they think that they are and it causes them much consternation and confusion. And they'll never get any brighter (unless they opt for lobotomies) so cut them some slack, and just nod politely as they babble on about what ever it is they are whining about that day. And then go on about your business of becoming wealthy and happy in the land of the free and the home of the brave.


GB America.
Reply:Not too bright, are ya? LOL Can't come up with a valid question on your own?
Reply:Sounds like you're thirsty...
Reply:looks like you hit a nerve, must be right.................
Reply:Anyone interested in comparing the average quality of thinking between liberals and conservatives might want to take note of questions like this.
Reply:The staple king just wet MY bed!

And you're the pillow-biter.I've noticed a lot of hypocrisy from the right in relationship to vulgarity.Moral values,from the far right.What a joke.

Most hostile reactionaries I think were abused as children.

Teeth Implants

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