Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Jesus a Bleeding Heart Liberal?

I am proud to be called a Liberal but am wondering about the 'bleeding heart' part because I believe in the word of Jesus 110%.

I have been a Christian since childhood and Christianity taught me to be compassionate to the poor, to give rather than to take, greed comes before a fall, and being humble is being as Jesus.

I could go on and on but I don't want this to be a preaching post.

NEOCONs would like to believe that liberals are weak. I am a gulf war I veteran and will stand up and fight for rights, even for a NEOCON's rights.

Oh wait, I get it - that makes me a bleeding-heart because I CARE and believe in the word of Jesus to protect the hungry, the weak.

Is Jesus a Bleeding Heart Liberal?
Yes but being a 'bleeding heart liberal' is a good thing. Neocons just have no clue about what Christianity really is.
Reply:Neocon is a big word for a small minded liberal. Report It

Reply:He also was an arch conservative-a monoarchist even and a supporter of the commandments. A total radical hippy -leave your job and follow me. A middle roader-give to Washington what belongs to Washington. Like anybody Jesus just does not fit into labels well. Unlike most He transends them and can empower us to do so as well.

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