Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Where were the bleeding heart liberals after 9/11?

I've never seen a group of people so supportive of those that killed and maimed Americans than Democrats. I could understand it from an anti-American group, Castro or Russia during the cold war, but these are our own people.

Is there any way in the world that you can imagine Democrats protecting America? This would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

The people that vote them in, really believe in their heart that no one is planning to attack America again. They must, because these people are not going to protect us. I suspect even terrorist have the look of shock on their face at these revelations of how the Democrats are reacting.

Read this article and it will sicken you. Folks, these are Americans saying this... just read and you decide who sides these people are on.

Do you believe this is happening? Kennedy has done some weird things over his lifetime but this has to take the cake.

Where were the bleeding heart liberals after 9/11?
The "bleeding heart" liberals got political "religion" right after 9/11 and looked for conservatives to develop a proper response and even voted to support it.

However, shortly after 9/11 the "bleeding heart" liberals saw an opportunity to use the war on terror in Iraq as an opportunity to rally the far left fringes of the Democratic Party in a war against American Patriots.

I have a son that has been in Iraq for a year, not only fighting for the freedom of the Iraqi people but also for the freedom of America and it galls me that he not only is protecting those that appreciate what he's doing, but he's also protecting those that want to declare defeat in Iraq!

Pardon me while I go throw up!
Reply:give them a little credit. It took them almost 2 weeks before they started blaming Bush and corporate America for 9/11.
Reply:The bleeding hearts are right back to where they were before 9-11. Hating freedom, trying to take our liberty, and helping our enemies.
Reply:You make me ill. Your pro violence attitude and willful ignorance is shocking. Just because some people are pro-human rights does not make them anti-American.

I read the article.
Reply:Kennedy has fried his brain with alcohol. You can't take anything he writes or says seriously. The man is a hard core alcoholic.

Edit-I forgot to mention that he drove drunk off a bridge and left a young woman to die. Silly me.
Reply:Right after 911 there were no liberals or conservatives. We were all Americans. We were united in being appalled at how we were brutally attacked. We were united when we went into Afghanistan to break AlQuaeda. It was only after Bush cut and ran from capturing Osama and got involved in a war in Iraq that had nothing to do with 911 that people started objecting. We've now been holding prisoners and torturing them with no trials or being shown a shred of evidence that they are terrorists or guilty of any crime for six years. Oh yeah. What article anyway?
Reply:I was where I was on 9/10/2001- out on the pacific, defending your right to be an uninformed idiot.

We don't believe that no one is planning to attack America again, but we do believe a couple of things:

1) Not every terrorist is in Iraq

2) When a memo reaches your desk that says "Bin Laden Determined to Strike inside of US" you should read it.

Quit blaming liberals for your problems.
Reply:Read WHAT article? I rarely become incensed over anything said by irrational conservatives, but you have, in essence, called Democrats traitors and that makes me furious! Nobody in this whole, beautiful country has done more damage to our way of life, our country's image, our young and vulnerable military, and to his own party than George W Bush! He has managed to destroy thousands of families, both ours and those of the Iraqis! You KNOW this war was wrong, yet you defend the person who started it for personal gain....his own, and that of his business crooks, including the bin-Laden family!
Reply:They are so blind with greed for things other people have worked for that is all they see or think.

consr above....why aren't you fighting.
Reply:I tell you what. I will consider your point of view when and only when I see Bush attending a funeral of a military service person killed in the line of duty. I will think more openly about your thoughts when and only when I see the injured military service members get the medical treatments, benefits, and respect from the Bush administration they so richly deserve. These brave souls did not have the same political connections to get them out of the military as GW did. And furthermore I can promise you that none of them would be so yellow to do so. But good old boy GW did. So until the Neo Cons get their own act cleaned up, don't go pointing out the foilables of others.
Reply:I totally agree! I think you forgot to add a link to the story! It's suppose to make you look superior to not support America anymore. Our country is going to go into the crapper if people with a conscience don't stand up to it. The enemy lives amongst us!

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