Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What does it mean when someone calls someone a bleeding heart?

for instance Bleeding hearts of the world unite

What does it mean when someone calls someone a bleeding heart?
A term, usually critical, for someone who is held to be overly sympathetic to another person's (or group of people's) plight
Reply:This is a person who is sypathetic to any cause. Usually a gullible person who is too kind and caring to everyone. These people are easily tricked.
Reply:It is usually a reference to Bleeding Heart Liberal Dumb Asses.The bleeding heart insinuates that the person feels sorry for everyone and that you should not punish them for the crimes they commit. As in letting killers and baby rapers go free because they are just confused and will not do it again.Now you can see why they are called bleeding heart liberal dumb asses.
Reply:That is someone who takes sympathy in every cause even if the person brought it on themselves through something illegal. There are people who feel sorry for gang members and murders and stuff. THey blame society rather than the individual
Reply:This is a term for those who feel,

As if they can make the whole world heal.

They gather together to form a union,

Of sympathy for all those in collusion,

To create a feeling that is second rate,

According to those that underestimate,

A genuine feeling of sadness from the start,

We're uniting together to help the bleeding heart.

Hey dig digi--hope you like my little answers. ~p~

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