Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Democrats are called "bleeding hearts" because they care too much, republicans are called racist bigots becaus

they usually are. Which would you rather be considered?

Democrats are called "bleeding hearts" because they care too much, republicans are called racist bigots becaus
The "bleeding hearts" are totally fixated on the short-term impact rather than the long-term negative impact of government actions, i.e., welfare makes THIS PERSON'S life better, but in the process destroys the lives of millions of others.

Republicans (at least those that adhere to true Republican values) make the hard decisions that will have the most benefit for society (or a given group) in the long-run. This often wrongfully gets pointed to as being a bigoted decision.

It's the old "give a man a fish versus teach a man to fish" controversy. You might be assuaging his hunger now, but tomorrow he'll be hungry again if he doesn't learn to take care of will his family and those affected by his life.
Reply:Just saw the interview with Justice Clarence Thomas this evening. He said that, "...making tough judicial decisions insinuates that the one making these decisions doesn't know about or care about the tough decisions individuals make everyday." - paraphrased, NOT a direct quote!

Just because anyone will make a tough decision DOES NOT mean that they do not care.

Your own question delineates to which category you ascribe.
Reply:I think both parties have issues. I like to look at the man running and decide from there.

I know one thing... we are on the urge of a world war.

They have even re opened a nuclear shelter or two. We better get over issues like abortion and gays.

At this point we may not even have children to educate or insure unless we get it together and stop fighting among ourselves and get out of the mess we are in.

We need to stand as one, Americans and demand better from our politicians.
Reply:Wow, I hope you don't believe that! Democrats are called bleeding hearts because they support abortion...which makes babies hearts bleed, as well as others. So killing babies is caring too much? Republicans are not racist, Democrats are full of more hate then Republicans!
Reply:Nice way to generalize all of the Republicans into one category.

The Democrats have plenty of racist bigots in their ranks too. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Two of the largest, if not THE two largest, racists in America...and they're proud Democrats.
Reply:No bias in you, right?

Dems are called bleeding hearts because they cry for the wrong person. You cry for the guilty, and accuse the victim. You blame guns and gun manufacturers for murder, and want to let murderers off on "society caused it" BS.

As for the republicans being racist bigots. There is more racism in the democratic party than there ever has been in the republican. There is also more social class warfare in the democratic party, but explaining that here to your narrow mind would not work. You should read "Who Really Cares" and at least you would find out who are the giving, compassionate ones in this country.
Reply:Bleeding Heart Democrats: Those who don't care for the hard-working, honest people in this country. They don't like it if someone is succesful and want you to feel guilty if your are. They have racist leaders who want to keep people dependent on the government.

Republicans: Those who believe in individual responsibility and opportunities to allow all people to succeed, regardless of race, etc.

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