Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why do the bleeding hearts not see this will hurt the millions here who are poor? Hurt to help-?

There are alternative methods so you do not hurt the poor here (millions people look it up). You have seen alternative ways on these post. Why hurt them? No you can not do both-its not money possible its not an endless supply.

Why do the bleeding hearts not see this will hurt the millions here who are poor? Hurt to help-?
We are NOT all fine. There are people who cannot are refused health care because an illegals got there first. Auto insurance is higher than it should be because illegals don't pay for it. Apartments and home rentals are higher because of the inflated demand caused by illegals. America is suffering in many ways as a result of these illegals.
Reply:It will cost the US more to deport them, why do YOU not see that? They are helping our economy.
Reply:We had a devastating medical situation with my son. Here in FL you can forget about medical help coming from a system YOU have paid into for years. It will NOT be here for you.

P.S. Shouldn't to the end of the line mean for the illegals to go HOME and apply legally. THAT would put them 'to the end of the line'.
Reply:Eh ?
Reply:Actually there is an endless supply of money because there is an endless supply of wealth. We are cutting ourselves off from this though our selfish thoughts and feelings which 99.999% of us are guilty of everyday. Not in a metaphorical sense, in a very real, physical way, because humans are special in that we have physical thoughts and feelings. It works in the exact same way as when a person drinks a lot or does drugs and then goes through withdrawl when they try to quit. Although the energy/person that inhabits the physical bodies is more (or less) evolved, there is no difference in the properties/abilities of the bodies of an electron, a human, and a planet. Don't get it? Wow, I'm shocked... That's because ur a blind monkey like most of the planet... if you want more info, email me, but I'm not going to spend 20 minutes posting a one-sided conversation here since you are obviously not asking a question but posting your own negative, selfish, whiney opionion which means you are contributing to this planets scarcity just as much as the bleeding hearts are with theirs. We are a ship of blind fools selfishly bickering down the well-intention paved path to hell.
Reply:I THINK i see what you are getting at??!! In passing a massive "guest worker" program to help the "poor,honest (LAWBREAKERS!!) peasants" from mexico, we should USE the money we would SAVE if we DEPORTED all illegals, to help the POOR people in THIS country!!!!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!
Reply:It is not reasonable to deport them all.And we are all fine now,and they are here.You see?They are already here.It is not like someone is going to drop a bomb of Mexicans on us,so get over it.We would already be feeling the effects.

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