Wednesday, May 19, 2010

By bleeding hearts standards, weren't the Brit hostages TORTURED?!?


By bleeding hearts standards, weren't the Brit hostages TORTURED?!?
They were with out a doubt...BUT have to remember...the Muzzie Terrorists are the libs heroes and they want them to win...they will support anything anti-US

So you will find no rage from the left...just applause at the Iranian wackos win...we all hear them cheering...trying to divert attention from their idiotic Operation Bite that never was....
Reply:They SAID they were treated very well!

Reply:Just the fact they were used for propaganda was against the geneva conventions
Reply:It is impossible to torture a white man or a soldier for the Allied Forces.

They deserve it.
Reply:YES, YES, YES, YES, YES.....and YES!!!!!!!! I think I agree with you.
Reply:Only the cons know how to do torture right. We have to listen to inane questions and twisted logic to defend the indefensible.


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