Wednesday, May 19, 2010

If you smoke the ink on a cigarette will you heart bleed?

One person once told me that if you smoke the ink on a cigarette you heart bleeds for 3 seconds,and somebody else told me that your heart bleeed for 8seconds

If you smoke the ink on a cigarette will you heart bleed?
NO neither one


Reply:OK I'll go out on a limb here! Let's just say for arguments sake that it does. Let's split the difference and say it bleeds for 5 seconds.

On the other hand it may not. Which would rule out the 3-8 second theory.

Now let's look at the facts: Ink vs Death

I don't smoke and never have, and correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't it state on the side of a cigarette package that smoking can cause death?

I don't think i've ever read that smoking the Ink causes death quicker or causes the heart to bleed.

The common denominator is death.

Reality is your question does not address the death issue.

You want to know will you (your) heart bleed?

Your data is: One person says 3 seconds of bleeding.

Somebody else: 8seconds.

My answer: If it does: 5 seconds: If it does not: 0

If you smoke the Ink regardless of the bleeding, It's not good you and that's 100%. Hope this helps!
Reply:"If you smoke the ink on a cigarette will you heart bleed?"

No, but I bet your mother's will. You can quit. It only took me 25 years to wise up. I wish you luck.

Reply:I am in my mid-40's and have not ever heard that if you smoke the ink on a cigarette that it will cause your heart to bleed. I have been around smokers during my formidable years (my dad smoked Lucky Strike - unfiltered, my mom smoked Pall Mall - unfiltered, my oldest bro. smoked Camel unfiltered, my next oldest bro smoked Kool - filtered) To say the least, I was around a lot of second hand smoke and 40 plus years ago, they didn't think that there was any danger to second hand smoke, now those who "know" know better. My father is deceased - had bad emphesemia and heart disease, my mother also has emphesemia and heart disease and since she's smoked for 60 years, she says she's not about to quit, {she has cut back a lot the past 6 months} my oldest brother (20 yrs my senior) has recently quit smoking and the other brother - still smokes. My advise to you is if you are smoking, don't worry about the ink and any damage that it will cause, instead QUIT and help out your lungs and heart. I don't know how long you have been smoking, but there is a new prescription drug available to help you quit smoking -- it is CHANTIX. My mom is taking it and it definately curbs your desire for a cigarette. Mom says she really doesn't want to quit smoking, and at 81 I don't guess she will, but I am thankful that she has cut down. My overall advise to you is to be WISE and don't start smoking if you haven't already, and if you have QUIT. May God help you as you struggle with this issue. God Bless.

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