Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HELP!!! my ant has internal bleeding in her stomach after heart surgery??? whyyy ASAP?

shes in the emergency and dont know where its coming from

HELP!!! my ant has internal bleeding in her stomach after heart surgery??? whyyy ASAP?
This could be completely unrelated to the surgery and could be lots of things. They will admit her and find out. She may get some blood if she's lost too much.
Reply:Is this your Aunt or your ant ?

We have no idea what is wrong. You will have to talk to a family member or a doctor.

I hope she is well soon.
Reply:After heart surgery, the patients are usually prescribed Aspirin, Sintrom, Plavix (clopidogrel), warfarin... etc prevent the dangerous blood clotting complications! Anticoagulants decrease the clotting ability of the blood and therefore help to prevent harmful clots from forming in the blood vessels. These medicines are sometimes called blood thinners, although they do not actually thin the blood. They also will not dissolve clots that already have formed, but they may prevent the clots from becoming larger and causing more serious problems. They are often used as treatment for certain blood vessel, heart, and lung conditions.

Those medications are very harmful to the stomach!

They can cause gastritis , stomach and duodenal ulcers!

That the cause of your aunt upper Gastrointestinal bleeding!

Here are two links for your reference!

Help that may help you!

Good luck!
Reply:it's a major artery,as long as the doctors know what there doing,she'll be fine,they have lots of medicine to help now.

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