Saturday, November 14, 2009

How can I root or seed a 'bleeding heart bush'?

I just divided mine this spring. Cut off a piece of the root with some sprouts on it , and transplant it to a different location, water well, they will continue to grow. It helps if you amend your soil in the new location and add some fertilizer.

How can I root or seed a 'bleeding heart bush'?
I'm sorry to say that I've never had any luck with either. Obviously the nurseries know how to do it and the wild plants proliferate themselves but in my garden one plant stayed one (increasingly large) plant. I wanted more but had no luck with division and never saw so much as one self sown seedling. The good news is that you can buy a tiny $2.00 plant and the next year it will be MUCH bigger. That's what I ended up doing.

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