Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do celebrities get away with being bleeding-heart liberals when they have 20 cars in the garage?

If these people pooled all their money together, they could probably tackle all of these problems without waiting for a Democratic President to address them.

PS I consider myself a Democrat and I'm constantly ashamed of being associated with these inane celebrities.

How do celebrities get away with being bleeding-heart liberals when they have 20 cars in the garage?
One big reason is because these celebrities feed off of poor saps who believe whatever they say. All a liberal has to do is strap a guitar on himself, get on a stage, and tell people that we're in "World War III" and that the government is "greedy" and they'll believe them. Or even better, a professor needs only a few words in a social studies class and the class will unanimously nod in agreement. I was in a Microeconomics class and the teacher stood there, explaining why socialism was such a good idea, and the entire class AGREED with him. This is Kansas, for crying out loud!

Politicians gain easy supporters not by turning people to their side, but by taking advantage of people who have no idea about politics. That's why people turn so liberal in college. It's also why celebrities get to do whatever the heck they want, because they know how to play the crowd.
Reply:They get away with it because nobody cares.
Reply:Because they can. What does one have to do with the other?

What, just because somebody has money, they can't support liberal causes? Only conservatives can be rich? Get a clue.

Stop buying their records, going to movies or patronizing anything they do in all channels.

There are plenty of freaks tho.
Reply:They use Public Relation people who decides what pictures or what details or their lives go public. They also can hide everything that doesn't give them a good politically correct lib image.

Sometimes so called celebrities use the political agenda to make an embarrasing effort of self promotion, like Sean Penn and look alikes.
Reply:who has the most cars,,, Bush, Cheney, Rove and all their rich oil cronies or celebrities who actually work for them,, and admit they have them
Reply:I've been asking that question myself for eons. but what can you do? no matter how bad these people are, American masses will still pack the theaters to give them another big paycheck.

Brad Pitt cheats on his wife, gets another woman pregnant, and has to get a divorce. but he's getting awards for being such a generous guy. I mean come on.
Reply:Smoke and Mirrors....they start championing some useless fringe group that supposedly helps the environment or some other crap. Meanwhile they probably drive an SUV...wear fur coats and seal leather shoes.
Reply:No one will stop going to their stupid movies, that is one reason

these idiots can get away with everything.
Reply:Liberalism is looking for positive solutions. Conservatism looks to protect what they have. See the difference? It's not about cars in the garage. Look at some conservatives garages, too.
Reply:It's easier to tell someone else what to do and/or to tell them their wrong than it is to correct yourself.
Reply:They don't get away with it from me cause whenever I hear one spew out the Bush Bashing I quit supporting their movies!
Reply:Hypocrasy plain and simple
Reply:same way they have $60,000,000.00 homes,$10,000,000.00 weddings and then go on stage and ask ordinary people to fork over money to their favorite charities?

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