Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do we get rid of these bleeding heart liberals, who are ruining our country and not taking pride in it?

you know you can move if you don't like how this country is run! oh wait, you want to abuse the freedoms that so many have died to give you, i forgot!

How do we get rid of these bleeding heart liberals, who are ruining our country and not taking pride in it?
whoa, way to stir the pot;) haha.
Reply:I bet you did not say the same thing from 1992-2000.

Cons are such FLIP-FLOPPERS!
Reply:Well libs and consevatives can both leave since obviously they equally hate freedom, liberty, and american ideals setup by the founders which gives people not only the right but the DUTY to speak out against government when government is acting like a wacked out psychopath intent on destroying it's own country.

Only moderates are worthy..all others are enemies of America and terrorist sympathizers even if they don't know it.

Sick of the left democrats being so weak they cannot raise their hands or do their jobs even when they were voted into power...panises

Sick of the right republicans who think making Bush an Emperor is American and who think raping the Bill of Rights is cool...psychos
Reply:You are an absolute moron. You have no more right to the country than anyone else. If people want to be liberal, and want to vote for Democrats, THAT IS THEIR RIGHT. "If you dont like it as it is right now then leave" is a fascist point of view, not a democractic one. So YOU are the one abusing freedoms here, not us.

I just love how Conservatives make a mockery of American ideals, and yet claim they are the only true patriots. Whatever.
Reply:All we have to do is tell other friends and family what is going on, on a daily basis and JUST let them implode with their wacky ideas. Ask "why would you vote for Hillary other than the fact she is a woman?" What has she done? .......her own flip flopping statements on the record will do her in.......!!
Reply:Learn to live with differing opinions or move to China.Voting is how we change how this country is run. Angry people vote more than happy people. The fact that this country is run by neocons has more to do with the unhappy minority that the happy, liberal majority.
Reply:Considering that approximately half our government is liberal, YOU could ALSO move if you don't like how this country is run. I may be liberal, but I take pride in ALL of America, conservative and liberal--only the extremists of both sides, who claim to love America but clearly hate large groups of Americans, embarrass me.

In any case, considering that few real Americans are either "ruining our country" (our country is NOT that fragile, thank you) or "not taking pride in it" (we would not keep arguing for the health of our troops or protecting the Constitution and citing the founding fathers otherwise), you've got a rough go ahead. Fighting imaginary enemies may seem easier, but in the end it's far more exhausting, because you can never win.
Reply:So, if you don't agree with how someone THINKS, that person should leave the country? Those freedoms others died for protect our freedom of speech from people like you. Who is " we " anyway that are getting r id of liberals ? I am thinking this is a joke, but maybe it is not.

For the record, I , for example love this country and support the Constitution. That does not mean I swear allegiance to our current government or president. They are employees.
Reply:That would be an impossible task. Liberalism is an insidious disease.
Reply:I did my service to this country ********, and I resent slime like you. Your vision of America is extremely short sided. A country full of you wouldn't last 2 weeks.
Reply:Put them in camps.
Reply:I have a better idea. You should go and try to live in Brazil for a year where PURE CAPITALISM rules. Then come back to the USA and see if the same question even occurs to you.

In Brazil the largest industry is Personal Security. It seems that the Capitalist who like to rule by force of Government and control everything for thier profit like to stay ALIVE.

Liberial in the USA belive we all have a responsibility to our fellow Americans. Now how is that not tyaking pride in our country?

You apparently have been listening to a lot of Right wing propaganda and must love to hate other Americans.
Reply:I'd consider it unpatriotic NOT to do what you feel is best for the country. If many people feel that questioning the government is the right thing to do at this time, that's not abusing their freedoms; it's exercising them. It's how democracy is supposed to work; the government is there to better serve the people, not vice versa.
Reply:at least the "bleeding heart liberals" are being honest. Conservatives say they support the war, and we are in the most important war of our lifetime, but do they join the military? NO that would be inconvenient.
Reply:Education. We now have the Internet and talk radio. (which is why the want the 'fairness doctrine' to silence us)

We are fighting back and people are beginning to realize that many of the front runners of the donkey party are communist / socialists.
Reply:Only an idiot doesn't understand that regardless of how conservative a society becomes half of that society can be considered liberal.

As society changes the definitions of conservative and liberal also changes.
Reply:The easy answer is vote. The hard answer is take the initiative to run for office.

Old Guy
Reply:Theres not much to take pride in, a nation ran by sheep incapable of rational independent thought... forces their ideals on everyone else. I was born here and have just as much right to it as anyone, im not leaving but i refuse to accept the authority of your people or your government over my home or my body. Natural law surpasses the illegitimate laws of man.
Reply:How do we get rid of all thes idiots, retards, trolls, and all around useless people that can't figure out how to keep thier God da mn POLITICAL question in politics

and stay the ***** out of the MILITARY section.
Reply:Try living up to ideals of freedom, instead of just talking about them - and exporting some freedom - like the freedom to not be bombed, for a start.

Most of the USA's problems, foreign and domestic, come from this sort of fascist bully-boy approach to everything - from employment to race relations, crime to healthcare.

Just ask yourself why Cuba has better public healthcare and education that the USA ?
Reply:It's a pity you can't get a tax refund if your government act like a$$holes. Bush Inc. would be well and truly f*cked.
Reply:sorry I don't agree with you the bleeding hearts liberals are not hurting this country at all

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