Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tell me about the plant called bleeding heart?

How is it like? Do you like it?

Tell me about the plant called bleeding heart?
Bleeding Heart - (Dicentra) is a spring flowering perennial that dies down completely every fall. The flowers look like tiny pink hearts that are "bleeding" from the bottom very deleicate. It likes part shade - no afternoon sun.
Reply:I have a vine bleeding heart. It's a fast grower, I'm going to buy a arbor to wrap it around. They have white and red blooms in the spring.
Reply:I have one on my back fence. It is a very tough creeper and the flowers are beautiful. They come in a couple of colours and mine is a dark pink and white. I like it.
Reply:I love it. They like shade and if it's real dry you should water it but sooo pretty in the spring.

Sorry,jammer,I think you've got the wrong flower-bleeding heart is not a creeper.


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