Monday, November 16, 2009

Who else in America is sick of the bleeding heart liberals selling out our country?

We're not the ones selling out the country. Maybe you should look at the facts before you post.

Who else in America is sick of the bleeding heart liberals selling out our country?
If bleeding heart means I have compassion for the plight of my fellow man then I am certainly proud to be called a bleeding heart liberal. Better called that than a cold-hearted rich person.
Reply:I'm with ya Barb!
Reply:I'm sick of brainwashed people like you making ridiculous statements that involve no facts
Reply:I sure am.
Reply:Bill O'Reilly.
Reply:People are sick of republicans costing more than hearts to

bleed in Iraq because of a mad man's ulterior motives.
Reply:Bravo to you! I loyally join you......
Reply:Count me in...Funny how those who worry about everyone else being politically correct with their evey word and action don't feel the same rules should apply to them. Just read some of the hate filled answers that come across here.. "I hate Bush, Bush is a moron, I hate America" and ON and ON and ON. It REALLY gets tiring.

I'd also like to know why is it that the rich are labeled as cold hearted? I don't understand that. Is it because they don't want to redistribute their earned income?
Reply:Don't get emotional- try to use rationale. Who is being sold out to whom and how.
Reply:You can add me to that ticker tape
Reply:I am definitely sick of these bleeding heart liberals selling our country down the river. And whats worse is that the bleeding heartliberalism doesn't even strictly apply to the Democrats anymore, but thats where the majority of them are. There are liberals in the Republican Party that want to do the same thing. They are the globalists and internationalists who actually think "free trade" is a good thing for our country and our economy. They are social liberals who feel that its alright for a woman to kill the living and breathing human being inside of them because its their "choice". They are liberal Republicans that actually feel that homosexuals should be able to have the same marriage rights that are so sacred to the heterosexuals and the God-ordained institution between a man and a woman. I for one and waiting for a true conservative in the Republican Party to stand up and say "no more" to the overtaking of the party by these social moderates and liberals. Someone who not only is going to run on a true paleo-conservative platform but, if elected, will also govern on the same platform and not back down due to pressure not only from the Dems but also from the traitors in his own party.

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