Saturday, November 14, 2009

How would Foam flower intermixed with Dicentra Bleeding heart look ?

They go well together, hold the foam flower to the front because it will be shorter than the bleeding heart. They probably won't bloom at the smae time usually the bleeding heart is wrapped up when the foam flower begins.

tilling in 4 inches of good topsoil should be great. You may want to add a bit of gypsum (availible) at most garden stores. As it breaks up clay and changes soil composition in your favor.

How would Foam flower intermixed with Dicentra Bleeding heart look ?
The thing is your Tiarella ( Foam flower) is like maybe 6 inches high and the Dicentra (bleeding heart) is around 3 foot high so if you want to see the Tiarella it needs to be a little in front or to the side of (at least 2 1/2 feet) the Dicentra.. Dicentra will come early in the spring and tends to die out after it blooms particularly if it gets to much sun.Tiarella is ever green and blooms in the fall and yes they look very lovely together.. I live in an area that is clay and have always had good luck with both species when planted in a shady area and not over watered.
Reply:They'll look fine together, but naturalistic, not regimented. However, you're going to have your main bloom in the spring from this combination. Are you going to mix in other species?

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