Friday, November 13, 2009

How long before these bleeding heart liberals start strapping ball bearings on and earn their virgins?

I served in Vietnam. Where did you seve? I'll bet you're another chikenhawk neocon who hasn't the balls to make it through basic training but love to point fingers.

How long before these bleeding heart liberals start strapping ball bearings on and earn their virgins?
Liberals don't earn anything for themselves. Silly boy.
Reply:like the right wing fundie wackos who blow up abortion clinics and federal buildings? you beat us to it!
Reply:It's a shame that some people choose to ignore facts and attack those who represent the truth. So-called "bleeding heart liberals" do not sympathize with terrorists and it is ignorant to assume that they do simply because an administration and party that rules by terror and fear says so.

P.S. - The Quran has no mention of the "virgins" in which republicans and a *minority* of Muslims believe. Not all Muslims are suicide bombers, just like not all Christians bomb abortion clinics and picket at our fallen soldiers' funerals.
Reply:Because were intelligent enough to pick up virgin's the normal way its you retarded neocons that need to blow yourselfs up to get a virgin or any woman or man.
Reply:liberals wouldn`t even step up to the plate to protect their own family!
Reply:99% of liberals give the rest a bad name
Reply:They're almost there!
Reply:all you can do is run and call names... you're a third grader...


just shouting "TERRORISTS" isn't enough...
Reply:how long before you cons start pulling your heads out of your butts and realize your regressive strategies are failing?
Reply:The same day you do.
Reply:How long before you stick your head out of your goat's a*s and recognize that repukelicans are responsible for their own miseries and ignorance.
Reply:I can't remember the last time anyone on this site posted such intelligent stuff, you must be well educated, it sure is refreshing to have such smart people out here for a change. Thank you.

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