Monday, November 16, 2009

My husband accidently took a weed wacker to my huge bleeding heart bush... Will it come back next year?

It should be done blooming by now...I always cut mine down after they finish blooming and the leaves start yellowing. They grow back every year--no problem. They are pretty hearty plants. I've dug some up to divide them and threw some of the old roots into the woods and had a bleeding heart growing in the woods the next spring.

My husband accidently took a weed wacker to my huge bleeding heart bush... Will it come back next year?
They're pretty tough to "wack" to death - it should come back as long as there is something left above ground and the roots are not disturbed. I hate to hear of such mutilation - my heart bleeds for you. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Reply:Yes but tell him it won't and get him to buy you another plant anyway.
Reply:probably. same thing happened to mine and it came back just fine.
Reply:yes but the husband wont.

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