Saturday, November 14, 2009

What's the opposite of "bleeding-heart liberal"? Isn't it "thinking-brain conservative"?

One is ruled by fleeting emotion; the other by cold hard logic.

What's the opposite of "bleeding-heart liberal"? Isn't it "thinking-brain conservative"?
Liberals think with their emotions and conservatives think with their brains. So it seems so.
Reply:Man, you got that one right.
Reply:Yes, well I think therefore I am conservative.

My conservative friends all have very high IQs while the liberals I work with go with their feelings so much they cannot just put them aside and think stuff through in a cold logical way. I have been accused of being cold, but I have never hurt anybody. True I have never fit into any mold but I have an IQ of about 170.
Reply:Take a look at the history books, if you can find one that has not been rewritten, and you will find that the extreme of either political/economic system results in IDENTICAL GOVERNMENT, i.e., a dictatorship.

If the resultant dictator considers himself to be 'liberal', then the government confiscates everyone's liquid assets and redistributes some of those assets throughout the country while keeping the bulk of them within the governmental body.

If the resultant dictator considers himself to be 'conservative', then the government confiscates everyone's liquid assets and redistributes some of those assets throughout the country while keeping the bulk of them within the governmental body.

In the 'conservative' extreme end, the gov't owns and controls all commerce and media.

In the 'liberal' extreme end, the gov't controls all commerce and media through confiscatory taxes and draconian regulation.

In BOTH extremes, enforcement is accomplished by gov't military.

See the history of NAZI Germany for the Socialist extreme end.

See the history of Fascist Italy for the Capitalist extreme end.
Reply:Well, my sister told me that she may be a bleeding heart, but my heart is shriveled and black... so I guess the opposite would be "shriveled black hearted conservative."

I like your choice better.
Reply:If Republicans are such cerebral creatures, then why are we in Iraq to help the Iraqis. There is no cold, logical reason to build schools and hospitals, to help them write a constitution and to require a certain percentage of women in their parliament. All that is "bleeding heart" stuff. And where does "compassionate" conservative Bush fall on the continuim of logic. lol
Reply:It's actually "Heartless, greedy, selfserving cons. prick"
Reply:youre going to make the liberals cry.
Reply:And as ever, the REAL path to progress lies between the two extremes.
Reply:The liberals are ruled by lies.

The conservatives are ruled by the truth.

At least that's what it seems like to me.
Reply:...Honorable pragmatists.
Reply:Actually, there are a lot in between and very few at either extreme. I do agree with the general premise though. Liberals tend to do what "feels right" without thinking a lot about the ramifications. That's an over exaggeration, but so is it about conservative being ruled by cold hard logic. From that statement, one might as well be a robot. I am conservative on most issues, but not all. I am not ruled only by my thoughts, but also in part by how I feel about them.
Reply:I think, therefore I am!
Reply:I think comments like that are why this world has so many problems.
Reply:Hard-headed conservative. Something we need much more of now.
Reply:No brain conservative would be more like it. Knows the price of everything, the value of nothing.
Reply:Until I read the rest of your question, I thought you were making a clever absurdist analogy. Sigh! No such luck.
Reply:Yes, cold hard logic as once employed by Josef Stalin, Pol Pot and of course, Che Guevera, to name a few.
Reply:LOL LOL LOL, oh man did you just say conservatives use logic? WOW I didn't think anyone had the balls to tell such a huge bit of false information but there ya got balls of steel sir for putting that whopper into text.

LOL, like conservatives, or liberals, could EVER be called logical...LOL LOL LOL is too busy trying to make the bible the national science book and the other is too busy running around making sure everyone cares about everyone else's feelings.

9/11 committed by terrorists, none of which came from Iraq but from europe and other countries and after we scour and search we invade IRAQ...that's logic for ya...then it was because of WMD and when they were not found "It was never about WMD but to bring freedom to these people"..yeah that's logic.

LOL, oh man I needed a good laugh...thank you so much for this question
Reply:You are right.

The fleeting emotions got us into war

The cold hard logic realized it was wrong

I used cold hard logic

I'm a liberal



Reply:Hmm. Funny you should post that since you have never posted anything but rhetoric here.

No logic at all from you, cold, warm or heated.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

And one last time, Guevara was a Stalinist, not a Marxist.
Reply:Maybe on your planet. What color is its sun?
Reply:The opposite would be soimething more like cold-unfeeling-self-centered-tight-a**ed... conservative.
Reply:Probably more along the lines of "slow minded patriot".
Reply:A fascist.
Reply:Or I would suggest that the right should be called "Hate filled war monger"
Reply:Cold-hearted conservative.

Logical Conservative is an oxymoron.

Conservatives don't have thinking-brains.
Reply:No conservatives are ruled by cold hearted greed. As for logic, this is the party that endorses the notion that the universe was created by an invisible sky god.

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