Monday, November 16, 2009

What is your 1 issue with society today? Please no "bleeding heart issues" like saving the whales, we all

know that we have issues with "saving the environment and it's life forms." What I want to know is what really get's your blood boiling when someone brings it up.

What is your 1 issue with society today? Please no "bleeding heart issues" like saving the whales, we all
Group identification:

To a large extent the west only cares about the lives of Westerners, Muslims only care about the lives of muslims etc etc. (I generalise, but there is no other way to explain any nation's foreign policy).

If people saw each other as the same rather than identifying with narrow groups it would be much easier to effect real change to the sorry state of this planet.
Reply:What's wrong with Social Security? There won't be enough money in the next couple or three generations to pay anyone!

Well guess what? If abortion hadn't been legalized in the 1970's, maybe we'd have millions more people to help pay into the system. Hello, potentially able-bodied, tax-paying citizens have been systemically killed off for over 30 years.

No wonder Social Security won't be there for possibly me; may not even at all for my daughters.
Reply:EQUALITY@Constitutional Issues
Reply:i guess its when i come across people who OVER STERIOTYPE of course were all human and its bound to happen i just cant stand it when peole over do it to the point of no return
Reply:People like you, who do nothing but sit down.
Reply:PORN!!! It really upsets me that porn has become somewhat acceptable to society. I mean when guys are obsessed with it they say, "Every guy watches it." For one thats not true and since when did that become an acceptable answer. I mean what happened to having respect for yourself or your loved ones. I personally think that it is unacceptable for someone in a relationship to be watching other people have sex. You should not desire anyone other than your partner. I think all of the women and men who are in porn should be ashamed of themselves. Your body should be something that you value and only let a select few see.
Reply:Self-interest and related Hidden Agendas
Reply:There are far too many people with little or no true understanding of what reality is all about, and thus fall easy prey to various ideologies such as socialism, politcal correctness, communism, religious fundamentalism, etc.

Some people seek certainty and stability when one of the few constant things in the universe is change.
Reply:the way the media talk about Suadi women
Reply:Greedy people
Reply:the erosion of civil rights and liberties, and religions increasing attempts to enter the government.
Reply:John Howard, and most recently his stupid IR laws. Yeah, in a perfect world they would work, but this isn't a perfect world and there are dodgy employers sacking good workers right left and centre because they won't sign agreements making them work harder for less pay.

And what REALLY makes my blood boil is we weren't even allowed to vote on it. Bloody John Howard is turning into a dictator.

I wonder when Dubbya is going to "liberate" Australia from our non-democratic tyrannical ruler.
Reply:North Koreans and they're shitty rockets...honestly, if they want to do something to us shouldn't they not launch they're only rocket?
Reply:MYOB! is the key, people must learn to respect all life and mind their own business, or things will never change:(
Reply:Lack of morals. People have the do as you please attitude. You can do any immoral thing you want as long as you help the poor, protect the environment, and so on. People don't realize doing a good deed doesn't cancel out other bad deeds. Lack of any kinda of self control. If everyone had good morals and treated others the way they want to be treated , we wouldln't have the problems we have today. It does no good to save the earth when the people on it are rotten.
Reply:Lack of respect for self and others.
Reply:The softness of the penal system.

I don't want my tax dollars to pay for the lawyer of a 20-year-old who strangles a 14-year-old who was carrying his baby because he didn't want to go to prison for statutory rape. I want my tax dollars to send him to Nevada or Arizona so he can toil in the sun all day long working on roads and earning his right to be alive.

I don't want my tax dollars to pay the millions of bucks it take sto fry him if he is sentanced to death. And I don't want to pay for him so he can watch HBO while he fantasized about underage girls.

I hate judges who award custody of children to the parent who can pay most without regard for the child's safety. There was a father who fought the mother for custody and he won ebcause she couldn't afford to fight anymore and several weeks later the boy was dead at his girlfriend's hands. Even though the abuse was documented, the court threw it out because of some technicality and now a little boy is dead.
Reply:THE CHILDERN ...Its a shame what this world has become..With all we have and kids are still dieing ...God pitty us...ROB
Reply:Race Issues
Reply:bloody tax

Ignorance. (something which is especially prevalent in the questions asked here)

Myopic people.

The fact that about a million people die due to Malaria, every year. A preventable disease!
Reply:to eradicate poverty, that is the base.
Reply:That we no longer seem to demand and recieve the highest quality of education for ALL our children. School buildings are falling apart and safety is lacking, unqualified teachers remain in the classrooms with no review system in place, the high dropout rate is simply inexcusable. A society MUST protect and education its children. We should demand and receive the best quality education for all our citizens.
Reply:People always trying to start shhit with each other. Till this day we have not been able to figure out that aggression, violence, hatred and all is a waste of time and life.

To much importance into being the bad a** and toughest ******* out there.

People need to chill and come together to do productive beneficial things for ourselves.
Reply:It's the 'get something for for nothing' mentality. Everybody is looking for everything for free. Especially money. Today's society thinks they are entitled to everything without having to earn it. If nobody gives it to you, see if you can sue them and take it from them...but heavens...don't get a job and earn it.
Reply:Information control and, by extension, misrepresentation. The gulf between what we say and what we mean grows a little wider every day.
Reply:Lack of respect and tolerance...we are still as racist as ever!
Reply:slavery and child abuse
Reply:The biggest issue to face us in our lifetime is The War. If we do not defeat this enemy life, as we know it will cease to exist.

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