Saturday, November 14, 2009

I am worried I planted my bleeding heart bulb upside down. How do I know which end is roots?

Yes point side up, but worry not , if you planted them upside-down they will still come up. It may take a longer time but nature is amazing.The part that is to root knows it is to will. The part that is to emerge knows it is to will. Nature has a way of making corrections.

Be patient ....your hearts will arrive with proper care. Perhaps you might want to invest in a gardening book there are many. Some that are geared just for bulbs. You can find tricks of the trade, and lots of important fertizing...planting...prunning ...etc.

Happy gardening and God Bless


I am worried I planted my bleeding heart bulb upside down. How do I know which end is roots?
i have this plant. the girl above me is right. they also multiply alot.
Reply:Point up, flat spot down.

That being said, nature has a way of surviving. They'll all live. But the upside down ones will take longer to grow and bloom.
Reply:usually bulbs havea knobby little sunken place on them and thats from the stem that was that side hgoes up,but ususally it wont matter,cause it can turn itself around.
Reply:The flat part of the bulb goes into the ground. The pointy side points up

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