Monday, November 16, 2009

Would Conservatives who claim to be Christian call Jesus a bleeding heart Liberal?

Him being Chief among Samaritans and all?

Would Conservatives who claim to be Christian call Jesus a bleeding heart Liberal?
As Conservative who claims to be a Christian, my wife give her tithes and offerings, to the local womens shelter,

She has a homeless woman and her 2 children living in our house with us.

She also feed a Homeless man almost ever night, and keeps an open door policy for any one that want to come in and eat,

by the way the homeless man that she feeds, also lives in a tent in the area that we rent behind our house.

She is also Senior pet advocate for SPCA International.

and was instrumental in starting the Baghdad pups program for that organization.

She is the most loving, giving, compassionate person I have ever met.

If there were more Christians like her, we would not need the Government programs that people like to call liberal.
Reply:No they would lie in the face of:

-Love thy neighbor

-Blessed are the poor

-Do unto others as you would have done to you

-Give it all up and follow Him

-Give not a thought to the appearance

And other obvious examples that christianity is diametrically opposed to capitalism
Reply:No doubt he was a bleeding heart liberal. I know conservatives try to deny it, but it is true.
Reply:Jesus would be a libertarian, not a liberal. Jesus would not approve of terminating a fetus, raised taxes, and depending on the government to survive. Jesus would want the government to stay out of your life and let you be responsible for your life.
Reply:If Jesus came to America today, Republicans would crucify Him all over again.

And, oh... the Republicans ARE the 'money-changers'.
Reply:Nope JC threw the money changers out of the temple, that's a pretty conservative move in my book.

But I am pretty sure his heart bleeds for the unborn babies that get aborted each and every day.

How do you like that one, you leftist liberal!
Reply:do you know who the samaritans were? if you did you would know how silly your question,typical..good luck with that. and for the the bible there are over 2000 references to working to become wealthy.nothing about being a bum."if ye don't work,neither shall ye eat"
Reply:No they would call him a Communist or a Terrorist and torture him to death.
Reply:Name for me one thing from the Old Testament that Jesus refuted.

You know that book that talks of slaves, selling daughters, stoning disrespectful children,an eye for an eye, a murderer must be put to death.

Tell me where in either new or old it is written that we should condone sexual immorality in adults let alone youth, a government sponsored welfare system, that we should intermingle the races, that we are not to hold others accountable as we hold ourselves accountable.

In short explain to me how you envision Christ as a bleeding heart liberal. No where did he advocate robbing the rich to feed the poor.
Reply:Jesus wouldn't have approved of killing a living newborn baby who survived the abortion process..... and that is a cornerstone of modern bleeding heart liberals.

Conservatives are more charitable than libs.... look it up, there have been studies done.
Reply:no way.

Read the bible, Jesus was in no way into politics....

if you took the time to be a little unbiased.... then you'll notice that conservative views are more biblical than liberal view points.
Reply:Yes My Child, I have been called this.
Reply:I haven't a clue as to what your perception of a "conservative" is, but I, as a conservative, share Christ's compassion for the less fortunate and tend be be very generous within the confines of my financial ability to do what I can to help these people.. That doesn't convert to voting for people who would federally fund abortion, promote the laziness of socialism, support gay "marriage," support removing God from our society, and a whole host of other things which take us as a nation away from, and not toward God. So, your premise begs the question, would that same Jesus support the foregoing? How do liberals who "claim" to be Christian support that which clearly God does not? ...and no, I do not define Jesus as a bleeding heart liberal. I define Him as my Lord and Savior.
Reply:No, because Jesus (God) is neither Conservative, or Liberal. When he comes back he will setup something far greater than any human could possibly wrap their mind around.
Reply:Excellent question, Semper!

I think they would.
Reply:No, I just call him master, never would I put a political name on Him But ,He Would not vote, because the candidates we have running, are for abortions and gay rights. Since, abortion and gays rights would break his heart. He loves the sinner, but hates the sin.. And a Christian will not vote for them either, God does not, and will not condone sin. And he has no respecter of person. So if I vote for Obama or Hillary that condones these these thing s they stand for.. And I will be sinning. No Candidate is Worth my soul ,and loyalty to My Lord. I don't care who they are. And what they can do .Thats' my Belief.
Reply:it's amazing how many references there are to abortion in these answers. do people really think that the cornerstone of liberal thinking is abortion?? pure ignorance
Reply:Why would I do that? Jesus is a conservative. He had absolute definitions of right and wrong. He did not believe anything goes. He told people when they were wrong. He did not discriminate or make people feel like they are victims that cannot help themselves. He held people accountable for their actions, didn't make excuses. He absolutely believes in family values and morals, discipline and love, leading and serving. He is pro-life. I'm sure Jesus wants people to rely on God and not the government to solve their problems!

God Bless.
Reply:They would nail Jesus to the cross in a heart beat for disagreeing wit them.

They actually have more in common with conservative Roman society than any of the biblical societies.
Reply:I do not remember Jesus calling for bigger government to control the lives of people through social programs and taxing the rich to fund the programs. Jesus believed in self freedoms and individual choice so he would be a conservative. Remember he said give a fish one can eat for a day teach to fish and he can eat for a life time.

Libs give money to get people dependent on the govt rather then get an education to get a job to support himself with out the help of the govt.

Typical flawed logic from the left.
Reply:Yes, Jesus was a bleeding heart liberal. He cared for the poor, the sick and the downtrodden. Hi message was to love your neighbor as yourself, and judge not lest ye be judged, two things right-wing Christian conservatives aren't really known for.
Reply:Jesus did not believe in atheistic socialism or big government programs. He was for freedom and individual rights. He was for religion, morality, family values and prayer in school.

He would be a Conservative by today's definition. That mostly displays how far out to the Left the Liberal philosophy has gone.


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