Monday, November 16, 2009

Should I cut down the remaining foliage on my Bleeding Heart/Dicentra Specabilis?

The greenery has turned yellow and brown, and doesn't look lovely at all. So, I'm wondering if I should just cut it off and wait for next year?

Should I cut down the remaining foliage on my Bleeding Heart/Dicentra Specabilis?
You can safely cut bleeding heart foliage back when it has turned yellow. I have a white and a regular pink one and I've had no problem when I've cut them back. I have them planted next to a monarda (beebalm) and black eyed susans so when I cut them back the foliage of the other 2 plants hides the bare spots.
Reply:Why would you want to keep it? The leaves are not functioning, the stems are dried, unless there's a seed capsule you want to save, cut it back. Your perennials have an underground storage stem of some type that stores energy and buds for next season, they are not meant to look great all season, especially those that prefer cooler weather and not the hot summer temps.

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