Monday, November 16, 2009

Would the world be a safer place for us if we weren't saddled with bleeding heart liberals ?

I think it would because then we could punish murderers, rapists and the like properly.

Instead we are forced to see lenient punishments and endless appeals for scum who we would be better off without..

Would the world be a safer place for us if we weren't saddled with bleeding heart liberals ?
no. Without liberals suspects would be held without trial and without rights to attorneys and random people can be listening in on your private conversations for "national security" reasons without first obtaining a warrant from the court. Without liberals, all people would be forced to stereotypical views of the conservative christian minority.

Well actually that's all happening with some liberals... can you imagine what would happen without any?
Reply:If there were no liberals to present the moderate voice of reason then it would only be a matter of time before any particular society became a totalitarinist regime. That's fine if you ascribe entirely to what those in power are preaching. It wouldn't be so 'safe' however, if you made a mistake or you were a free enough thinker to make up your own mind about issues.

To quote Voltaire: "I don't agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" (although, being a bleeding heart liberal, perhaps 'to the death' is a bit extreme!)

Any totalitarianist regime, whether extremely right or extremely left, would mean the end of freedom of speech (and thus, website like YA). A world without liberals might initially feel 'safer' for you. However, I bet it would be a damned site more boring for you. Who are you going to wind up, Mickyboy, if there are no liberals?!
Reply:It's why people favour the law rather than lynch mobs. It's called justice- goes back a long, long time.
Reply:you think wrong and oversimplify.

1) punishing murderers and rapists the way you seem to want to is terribly inefficient. it fails to deter people from the behavior we're trying to prevent.

2) the sabre-rattling rhetoric that conservatives love so much would keep the world in a state of war for a good long time.

without liberals, everyone would want to conquer each other in the name of 'freedom'.

a homogeneous population, regardless of who populates it, is a guarantee for disaster.
Reply:Absolutely. Hang 'em; flog 'em; deport 'em!
Reply:no, i think the world would be a safer place for us if we weren't saddled with hypocritical b@stards, aka conservatives.

look, if you can't get your tiny head around the fact that stuff happens, then go live in a cave where you will have a very sheltered life. yes it is a horrible reality that offenders get off scot-free but how about all the innocent "offenders" who have been wrongly accused? they're not the same as the hardened criminals you see in prison.

you really need to open your mind.
Reply:Bring back hanging for murderers is what I advocate.And I am liberal
Reply:the problem with your point is its language and content are hmmmm how do i put this..... ******* stupid,if the right wing didnt invade iraq illegally and without purpose,or vietnam,or putting dictators into countries that were america friendly or whip up anger and insecurity for political gain,then we might be in a safer place.

try thinking for yourself and incidently liberal isnt a swear word,its just in opposition to conservative,without it your country would be a dictatorship.
Reply:Nope, it wouldn't make a bit of difference if we got rid of the bleeding heart liberals. The reason is simple, the moderates would then be cast as the bleeding hearts and everyone remaining would be shifted to the left a bit.

Besides, I like my freedoms and all the left wing legislation that ruined businesses by forcing them to list the ingredients in the foods I buy, to put safety features in my car, and to give me a lunch break while I work.
Reply:Yes a world without conscience or mercy, wouldn't that be great.
Reply:we should imprison those self serving idiots first!! and then get on with finding justice in our country. at the moment between the bent lawyers and the liberal do gooders, our whole legal system is nothing more than a profitable business, ' and criminals the well respected customers.' lock em up and profits go down.
Reply:What you seem to forget is the rule of law set up by the citizens of this country to stop vigilante justice you advocate.

Id rather have bleeding heart liberals to contend and argue with. rather than your style of mob mentality with to many innocent shmucks being sent to prison or worse as you would have it

No. sorry mate i think you got this one wrong.. thanks for the chance to give my view
Reply:lets all become Islamic then their will be no problems

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