Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do I get rid of wild bleeding heart plants that are taking over my lawn?

This is primarily in our back yard which backs up to a forested park. They grow very fast and although easily pulled up I cannot keep up with them. Thank you for any suggestions.

How do I get rid of wild bleeding heart plants that are taking over my lawn?
There is a product called weed and feed. It will fertilize your grass while killing broad leaf unwanted plants. It is very simple to use, sprinkle it on and water in. It may take a few applications but it will work. You will have to repeat this through out your growing season, it will take a little time but can be done!

You will have to apply each year since the forest is so near to you but you can get it under control.

Good Luck

God Bless

Reply:Dang, those things are horrible! I put some in an old rotting tree stump where I have a bunch of different kinds of succulents. Those little wonders pop up everywhere.

I go out and pull the livin' daylights out of them and leave just a few.

They don't seem to be very deep rooted. Maybe you can just take up the top soil and a wee bit more just to get rid of them.

They sure are pretty out in the woods..Why oh why did I plant them at home?

Doesn't look too bad if there is only a few..

Good Luck!!!
Reply:Why don't you call a local green house and explain your problem, maybe they will come and dig them up for you. Otherwise just mow over them.


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