Friday, November 13, 2009

What doe "pinko bleeding heart" mean?

"Pinko" means communist.

"Bleeding heart" means that the person feels bad about something and has compassion.

I don't really see compassion as a negative, by the way, but this phrase is always used as a negative.

What doe "pinko bleeding heart" mean?
It means a person that a neocon is frustrated about.
Reply:1. pinko= Communist

2.bleeding heart=sympathizer for their cause.

it's a phrase that used to refer to 1960's war demonstrator,who were against the Vietnam war
Reply:A liberal with communist tendencies
Reply:Sorry i don't know. i will tell you later.
Reply:It's an insult that fanatical right-wingers hurl at anybody that disagrees with them. pinko means that the person leans toward communism, and bleeding heart refers to the religious images of Christ with blood coming out of his heart. It is a sick expression and you should realize that the person who uses it is an idiot.
Reply:It is a term usually reserved for communists and liberals. Sounds like an Archie Bunkerism.

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