Friday, November 13, 2009

Why do my bleeding heart plants dye in the summer months?

Bleeding Hearts are very tender. They love shady areas where they are not exposed to direct sunlight. They also like cooler temperatures. You can keep them happy in the summer if they are planted in a wooded area or shaded by a large shrub or bush planted in an area that will block the harshest sun.

Why do my bleeding heart plants dye in the summer months?
if you are referring to Dicentra Spectablis, the die off after flowering, all you need to do is cut the dying foliage down to soil level and they will grow again and with luck produce a second flowering in the fall.
Reply:my bleeding hart is in full sun and it is doing very well i water it every day in the evening. it has been growing there for 30 years, it could be that yours needs to be feed, i use miracle grow ever 4 weeks
Reply:Where is it planted? They love the woods and real shady areas.

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