Friday, November 13, 2009

Why don't bleeding heart liberals get it - it's the poor who suffer most from the socially liberal society?

Single mothers left alone because of the loss of respect for fidelity and marriage.

Communities being destroyed by the casual acceptance of drugs.

Teen pregnancies because of the increasing sexualization of childhood (eg teen pop icons promoting overt sexuality).

Why don't bleeding heart liberals get it - it's the poor who suffer most from the socially liberal society?
Why don't you grasp how a valid question has to look? Is it

because you suffer most from neocon sabotage of education?
Reply:This coming from a 'compassionate conservative'??? Can't any of you conservatives ask a civil question without calling names? Bleeding heart liberals - as compared to a shone hearted conservative. Ebenezer said it best for you - are there no prisons?

Single mothers left alone - because when the father tried to stay with them, the compassionate conservatives cut off her food stamps, child care and health care. Don't tell me it doesn't happen, I have seen it first hand. So after a generation or two of forcing the fathers to stay away from the family, you are surprised and shocked that it has become a way of life?

Communities being destroyed by the casual acceptance of drugs? Would this be the white affluent suburbs that have high prices lawyers to make the problem go away when little Johny or Janie gets busted on cocaine; or the poor underprivileged inner city slums where Jefferson or Shantile go to prison and are thrown away like yesterdays trash because the can't afford a lawyer?

Teen pregnancies because of increasing sexualization. Well I have to give you that one - I guess even a conservative can get one right once in a while.
Reply:Did someone bring Archie Bunker back to life?
Reply:I have news for you...all the above happen no matter what. The conservative vision of the "all American family" has never existed. Parents break up, and children make poor choices. It doesn't matter what flavor of politics rules the world. socally conservative countries like Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Brazil none of that happens. We all know that these 'conservatives' countries don't have underground drug gangs and hookers and child porn and slavery. Who wouldn't want to live in Bolivia where the poor are happy to be screwed over, disrespected, robbed, killed and denied any kind of social services. We should be more like them..third world hellholes.... but 'conservative' third world hellholes as God intended!
Reply:It must be nice to have all the answers. Maybe you should appoint yourself as king.

I hope you don't get a serious illness and lose your job and insurance. Then you will want some bleed heart liberals to come up with a plan to help you.
Reply:single mothers are a product of the modern nuclear family, with grandparents on permanent vacation in florida and a lack of values instilled in the population, such as honesty, and helping others selflessly....

drugs are a FREEDOM and allow the casual user to grow in consciousness thus understanding things that the average person doesnt. Notice the hippies and their support of love unity etc..... The downside of alcohol and drugs is addiction but it is a freedom to screw your own life up.....

teen pregnancy is caused by the repression of sex and its taboo.... The children having sex is an expression of their parents who followed the guidelines for a loveless sex-less marriage.... parents who are open and honest about their sexuality have children smart enough to protect themsleves

these are all conceptual ideas that you are not capable of understanding until you have a loving parent rolemodel to reteach you true values or get high a few times and rethink your life.....

the truth shall set you free my friend,,,,
Reply:It's not that the libs don't understand, it's that what they understand isn't so...Reagan
Reply:Because to them its not their fault its the governments fault for not doing something about it. Typical immature response to a problem is to blame something else rather than take responsibility and try and fix it.
Reply:Because America is founded on the basis of freedom and being able to live your life as you choose. We choose to be a bunch of pill-popping, randy f***ers. Which is more important? Freedom or artificially enforced morality?
Reply:Giuliani and Thomson, are these the Republican ideal? What about their broken homes and abandoned children? What about Larry Craig's or Ted Haggard's morals?
Reply:This is being twisted every which way, but the fact is that the conservative agenda is about responsibility and tradition.

The Liberal agenda, adopted by most Democrats, promotes values that are irresponsible. For example, having an abortion is irresponsible, it is a situation that could have been avoided.

When the 'CHOICE' was made to do the act and pregnancy followed, the right thing to do is have the baby. But that requires work and commitment, which is NOT in the liberal agenda. Instead a more calloused decision is the easier choice. The further left that we drift the more NORMAL these lifestyle choices seem.
Reply:Meanwhile, all you conservatives are molesting underage page boys and tapping your toes looking for sex in public toilets.

Hypocrisy, thy name is conservatism!
Reply:Single mothers left alone because of abject poverty.

Communities being destroyed by unwarranted war.

Teen pregnancies because of prudish policies re birth control.

See, it works both ways...
Reply:No, they don't. And all the lies of the right-wing don't change the fact that it is the neoconserative inhumanity and greed taht are at the root of the suffering of pooor people.

The right can whine all they want--no one is liistening to their pathetic excuses for their selfish attitudes.

BTW: here's one example of neoconservative hypocrisy: most "single mothers on welfare" are WHITE--and from neocon families where the husband divorced them (that, BTW, is the social group in the US with the highest divorce rate).

Far more drugs are used by "middle-class" WHITE Americans than any other group.

Teen pregnancy rates are falling--and falling faster among the poor than the middle class. ANd--just to make the point again--statistically, middle class white girls have MORE sexual partners thanblacks.
Reply:Yah cause death is much easier than poverty.

Drugs are chemicals - how are people suppose to feel and think?

What is correct? Is that universal.

Drugs have been part of society since before the dawn of society.

What is wrong with teenage pregancy people were getting married at 13 years old or younger in the past.

You are being universally biased.

In general though I do think that healthy and sustaining practice is good, but that does not necisarily erase teen pregancy and drug use from the equation. It just means that individuals need to be responsible and have a sense of assurance with their choices.

If a teenage girl would like to have sex or have a baby what is wrong with that?

If someone chooses to trip out on drugs, what is wrong with that?

What is your ideal world? It may not be someone elses.

I think you must have a background to think the way you think. but a liberal society doesn't equate one that supports poverty, it simply means one that lets individuals make their own decisions.

A right wing society that supports drugs like coffee, tea or alcohol, or tabacco could have a variety of issues such as cancer, liver disease or lung and other general health issues.

Or a conservative society that feels girls should be barefoot and pregnant as soon as they are able to bear children like 100 or 200 years ago.. dude you are out of touch

liberal society does not equate = absentism and irresponsibility. It equates choice over dictorial controls that rest in a third party pulling the switches on peoples lives..
Reply:I'm not going to add anything to some of the great answers above but I will say this YOU'VE BEEN SERVED

Bwa hahahaha
Reply:Why is it that liberals are the ones touted as not having respect for the fidelity of marriage. Let's look at candidates like Giuliani and Thompson. What kind of respect have they shown?
Reply:It's called control, if you control everything, then you make the rules.


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