Friday, November 13, 2009

Is being a 'bleeding heart liberal' really so bad?

After all, what's wrong with compassion, understanding, peace and love?

Just wondering.


Is being a 'bleeding heart liberal' really so bad?
Nothing wrong with it - on the social side of things. I am a social liberal, and a fiscal conservative. It is really nice to be able to please and enrage both extremes at the same time.
Reply:Yes . In the long run it is detrimental to the human race! It allows the weakest among us to not only survive but thrive basically at the expense of the strong! So we as a race will keep getting weaker and weaker
Reply:There's nothing wrong with it - but some people will pull their face and call you one as though it is an insult anyway. They don't realise it can never really be an insult to call someone a caring person....
Reply:because "bleeding heart liberals" don't profit the likes of Halliburton with their tree hugging.

warmongers/neoconmen now thats were the cool people are at? see they "is chillin' like a villain' with taxpayer money
Reply:Nothing wrong with it!
Reply:I don't believe in calling people that! Nor do I believe calling people neocon is right...

There is nothing wrong with caring for your neighbors. It should be voluntary.
Reply:It is when they want to fix the problems of the world with my money.
Reply:well, there are limits to everything, but there is nothing wrong with wanting the best for people in your country. some folks take it too far, and it becomes more like 'coddling'. i hate coddling.
Reply:When you let emotion, compassion, and love supersede common sense and what is in accordance with the Constitution - yes, it is bad. It might "feel good" to do something, but that doesn't make it good, in the long term, for the country.
Reply:It's better to have a bleeding heart than no heart at all. I know that some conservatives accuse us of focusing on feelings rather than on facts, but I disagree with this. While it's important to operate on reason and facts, it's also important to take the human element into consideration.
Reply:No, it's not so bad. The neocons would like you to think it's a mental disease but they don't understand since they suffer the most from mental disorders.
Reply:Nothing wrong with being a compassionate human being at all. But, what IS wrong is to sit on your hands while the vermin of the earth are threatening your nation, and working actively to destroy your culture. Gee, if our nation is all that great, seems to me it would be worth fighting for....Oh, maybe that's it.......liberals have no will to fight! Now, THAT might explain it. Republican conservatives (Democratic conservatives as well) don't like fighting either. But, life dictates that

sometimes, our values must be defended. The trick here is to fight, fight with resolve, and fight until the enemy is defeated, not fight only until the next campaign cycle begins. I always enjoyed a quote from (I believe) former Senator Phil Gramm, who was once asked why he couldn't have the heart of a liberal. His response, as I heard it, was "I do. I keep it in a jar on my desk".

Now Folks, THAT is a conservative! LOL
Reply:The answer is 'NO' so long as they're not writing checks that other people have to cash! The 'Liberal Agenda' that is preached in the schools and used to brow beat the people into guilt ridden submission is fine if you're Oprah or some other multi-millionaire whose interest on the interest of the interest of the money they've made is more than the average American makes in a year, but what's in it for me? I make either too much or too little to take advantage of the system, so I just pay and pay and pay. Where's the compassion, understanding, peace and love for the working man or woman who pays the taxes that keep this ship of state afloat? We get precious little from the 'bleeding heart liberals'!
Reply:If you are 18 and not a liberal you have no heart. If you are 30 and still a liberal, you have no brain.

A lesson they don't teach in public schools (I wonder why?) is of the early pilgrims. Originally, they set up a collective, where everyone shared the fruits of their labors equally ... and they nearly starved to death. Since this didn't seem to be working, they alloted each their own plots, and allowed them to sell any surplus ... and this was successful.

For some insane reason, the liberals are still trying to establish the collective.

(One definition of insanity is to repeat the same behavior, and expect a different result.)
Reply:Nothing on an individual level.

It's went liberals try to force others to support their ideas, that you get conflict.

Like I told a militant veggan.

" Eat all the grass you want and God Bless You,but if you try to force it down my throat,we'll have problems."
Reply:Conservatives have a great deal of compassion. They give more to charity and are more likely involved in helping the poor. Liberals who call them greedy and racist are not being compassionate. More like phony.

read the links before you thumbs down. The rhetoric in this country is brutal. Don't be a part of it. My ex-girlfriend was a huge lib. I never saw her do one thing to help people except scream for the government to do it. That's why we broke up. I cannot stand people who whine about the world and do nothing to help.

what did I tell you? thumbs down. You show them the stats and what people are doing and they dismiss it because it just could not be.
Reply:There is nothing wrong with compassion, understanding, peace, love or empathy. That is not what is meant by bleeding heart liberal. The term describes someone that wants to Overlook personal choices and personal responsibility because the Person chose bad and irresponsible behavior in favor of doing what feels good. Smoking dope and losing ones job for substance abuse and then going on welfare is a prime example. Why prop this person up with compassion and understanding because of their poor choice. Instead we should say, damn it hurts to go hungry and without a cell phone doesn't it. We would be better served to teach this person right and wrong instead of trying to "be understanding" to their addiction.
Reply:As a liberal, and since I read the term..."bleeding heart" as a preface to the term liberal, I have checked my heart on a regular basis. Guess what. It is not bleeding.

Apparently this is just one more of thousands of neo-com misconceptions popular among the illiterate.

I suppose that, for the uninformed mind, denigrating that which they don't understand is normal human behavior. It appears to be...historical.

So, can we really blame them for being the natural born followers they graduate to be? I say...No.

We must allow them their right to be...what was it, Oh Yeah...

Uninformed. I'm really trying to be non confrontational here.

Did I make it?
Reply:Nothing wrong with being a compassionate human being.

Hard to understand how some see it as a pejorative.
Reply:because those days are over, you want another vietnam, you love those days, people today made it seem like hippies were god and good people,

you should join the code pink
Reply:Those Bleeding Hearts, wanna bleed us dry with higher taxes. The concept of "everything flows through the Government". Has never worked.
Reply:Any stance to the far left or the far right is not to the benefit of our country.
Reply:I would rather be a bleeding heart lib, Then a cold hearted con.
Reply:It's fine just as long as you're not in a position of authority. All that emotion doesn't make for common sense decisions.
Reply:they have no peace, love and understanding and you would figure this out simply by reading anything the drive-by media prints. I have yet to know any liberal who is happy!
Reply:Nobody has said that it is wrong to be compassionate. Liberal and compassionate are not synonomous. In fact, I would argue that they are opposites.
Reply:Nothing is wrong with being a bleeding-heart liberal . But they must be prevented from being in any position of power when it comes to the rough world of Foreign Policy .
Reply:Only when they ACTUALLY contribute to the tax base they so generouly want to give out to illegals should they have the right to say anything.

Don't sit there in your section 8 house, eating lucky charms my tax dollars paid for waiting for the welfare check to come in the mail and tell me where my hard earned tax dollars should go.

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