Friday, November 13, 2009

Why are there bleeding heart groups that support our enemies in war and not us?

There are there always some people that say we are evil in war and we should give the other side a break. We go to war with them and they brutallly kill our men and women and yet some people sympathize and say we should not torture or kill their people please tell me why you would side with their people when our people are being tortured and killed?

Why are there bleeding heart groups that support our enemies in war and not us?
You have to understand the problem is that we were not attacked by Iraq. Our own government begrudgingly admits that. (9/11 commission report) Now the rally cry is that the US freed an oppressed people from a brutal dictator (in which Iraq was) However, that can not be a sole reason to go to war, because if that is, then we have a whole lot more countries to invade. Ones with more powerful allies and greater international military capabilities. It is as if we burned down the house across the street for something their neighbor did. As a liberal and a former member of the military I do not take the side of anyone who kills an American soldiers. And anyone who does should NOT be tortured. No one should be tortured EVER. These are people who are fighting for what they believe. They believe it as much or more than anything we have ever held dear to us. They are patriots (the word patriot is not only reserved for the good guys)for their beliefs, much like we would be if someone invaded our land and overthrew our government. Because I say they should not be tortured doesn't mean I take their side... get real. and read a newspaper.
Reply:was jesus the biggest traitor in history when he commanded his followers to turn the other cheek and love thier enemies? of course not - but i'm sure some of the conservatives of his time accused him of being one.
Reply:u r abosolutely rite!! we shudnt take that from ne1!! i propose u nd i forge an alliance then dominate this screwed up planet!! hahahahahaha(unless ur american)hahahahahahaha!
Reply:Because they live in a fantasy world of sugar and spice... where we all sing kum by yah arm and arm into the sunset. Where all our solders are murdering scum and the enemy is all sweetness and light.

"The world is a dangerous place to live

not because of the people who are evil,

but because of the people who don't do

anything about it."

-- Albert Einstein
Reply:You sound really young.
Reply:Because we are supposed to be the flag bearer of ethical behavior. Stooping to that level only serves to create an endless vicious cycle which benefits no one. If a wasp stings you, do you continue to stand there poking its nest with a stick?
Reply:Because as always, it is easier and cowardly to be against something than to stand for something.
Reply:we're held to the geneva convention - but iraq doesn't have to follow it.

people don't understand that.
Reply:The answer is in the stars
Reply:Do you want to be the kind of country that tortures your enemies? Because then you will have a lot of them...
Reply:I think its great that you are asking this as a question rather than name calling or making personal attacks. I hope the responses you get are respectful.

The people who think we should give the other side a break are very few. Maybe one percent of the country. The majority of the country is against the war, but this certainly doesn't mean we are for the other side. I think the people who are supporting the enemy are doing our country a terrible dis-service, like the people who support the war. Most people support the military, and want desperately for the government to take actions to protect our soldiers from dying for a worthless cause.

We don't torture our enemies because a civilized country conducts themselves in a civilized manner. Torture and the killing of innocents is for terrorists, who must be stopped for that very reason. We are the greatest country that has ever existed, those who doubt that should take a hard look at history. We answer torture with conventional warfare and brutality with an effort to erradicate those who would take such cowardly actions. As the greatest country in the world we have a responsibility, not just to win, but to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Our war is on terrorism, we cannot become terrorists ourselves.
Reply:What are these groups, exactly? And excuse me, but we are also killing them and torturing them, or have you not heard of Abu Grahb and Guantanamo Bay? What do you think war is, a card game? They kill us, we kill them. That's what war is. It's not one sided. Some of us feel sorry for the people who are getting murdered by our military in this unjust illegal war. Why is that such a bad thing?
Reply:I agree with you! In fact a lot of other very smart people have spoke on that subject.

In 1941, Albert Einstein replied to a letter he recieved from a pacifist. He said,

"If all the young people in America were to act as you intend to act, the country would be defenseless and easily delievered into slavery."
Reply:I take it you're from Israel? Or a US citizen referring 9/11?

In either case, the argument certainly isn't "you should give the other side a chance". The argument is, first you need to ascertain WHO the other side IS! For example, in Israel's case, the enemy is NOT every man, woman and child of Lebanon. In the US case, the enemy was NOT Afghanistan or Iraq.

The second charge to the argument is, and in the words of Bush himself, you need to use "a proportionate and balanced response"

Going back to Israel, the razing of entire districts by blanket bombing and the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian structures eg homes, schools, roads, bridges, water treatment facilities, petrol stations etc, is not a balanced response to the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers - it is a response to the age-old persecution of the Jews, by an angry child-PM, fuelled by bitter memories and a new fat military force who is now using his new military toy in an enraged and misdirected way.
Reply:because they are all Palestinians! We support the Israelis. But Bush just send a little over 500 million Dollars to Lebanon. Yes, that's correct over 500 million dollars. Lebanon is a Palestinian country. That money should stay here at home! Why help our enemies??
Reply:Where are your sources for this question??? You have no idea what you are talking about! I'm a bleeding heart Liberal, ex-military who supports our troops, not the administrations reasons for sending them to Iraq. You'd should really put a little thought into your questions before you post them.
Reply:I can tell you of a conservative group that has funded the terrorist for the pas 5 years. They are known as the bush administration. Their policy is to encourage the use of fossil fuel around the country.

90% of the terrorist funding comes from oil money. Instead of cutting down on our imports to undercut their funding of terrorist groups trying to attack us, they lowered the worlds supply by the Iraq invasion shutting down their oil production, and raised demand by not trying to establish alternative fuel sources in this country.

This makes the oil industry profitability grow through out the world, and gives more money to the terrorists.

The only way we can stop this is to vote Democrat this fall. If we vote Democrat, we will take money out of the terrorist pocket.
Reply:Because a lot of the "bleeding hearts" are actually ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing. They like to portray themselves as the rational, peace loving, heroes of democracy when actually they seek radical changes in our government, our constitution, our economic system, and our society. In order to achieve this goal they defend and support our enemies and hope for our defeat.

P.S. The above statement in no way is an endorsement of torture. Torture is ethically unacceptable and doesn't achieve the intended result anyway.

For the uninformed out there: NO ONE IS BEING TORTURED AT GUANTANAMO BAY....unless it's the guards that have to put up with these animals.
Reply:It's nothing new.
Reply:dude u dont know anything in this world.

have u ever listen to the news about the sexual tortureing the americans have done to the iraqi prisoners

that is why they are suicide bombing, for revenge for that.

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