Friday, November 13, 2009

Where do the bleeding heart liberals hide out??

Seriously, I'd love to know what goes on in your minds when it comes to crime, especially sex offenders who ruin lives of people for ever. How can you say "let's rehabilitate"? Unfortunately, it's mostly judges (previous lawyers) out there who decide the punishments which end up being a mere slap on the hand. Just for sick kicks, go to MEGANSLAW.COM and type in your zip code and see if you don't get a little nautious..... and remember, the results make up about 15% of what actually goes on. Most children are molested by people they know and never report it.

Where do the bleeding heart liberals hide out??
Reply:I personally believe that all convicted pedophiles should do jail time.

If they killed children after other

horrible things were done then I believe they should

be put to death. Of course the court should be absolutely positive they have the right person. I am

a liberal and if rehabilitation would work then I'm

for a second chance. Personally I don't think rehabilitation works on pedophiles. Nothing ever will.
Reply:Liberals do not support child molesters. But we do think that depriving people of freedom should only be used for those who are a real threat to the community-- including child molesters. Why do you find it necessary to beat up on Liberals (or, rather, a right-wing straw man concept of them)? I think that's your real issue here.
Reply:DOCTOR, I have one question. Why is it that you are unfamiliar with the correct spelling of nauseous?

The degree of emotion you display suggests that you were also molested as a child. You might benefit from some help in that regard.
Reply:It seems that forgiveness, compassion, and consideration are much easier preached about from the pulpit every Sunday than practiced every other day. But for the grace of god...etc.

I am not defending poor decisions made by evil/degenerate people. But assuming they are punished for their crimes, shouldn't everyone have an opportunity to improve themselves? I think this is one of the fundamental laws of Christianity. Additionally, (secularly) if you don't like the penalties for the crimes, then petition the legislature to strengthen them. I realize that sex offenders are sick and they must be prevented from performing any repeat offense. But they are still human, no matter how badly you want not to admit it. You just can't kill 'em all...slippery slope you know.

I also agree with kreevich.
Reply:If you wouldn't be so quick to put a lable on everything, maybe you could be able to think more rationally, thus making what you say seem more sensible.......
Reply:There in the army defended our country, stop throwing mud where your morals
Reply:The legal system is there more to protect the innocents than to punish the guilty. We could just do away with the court system and hang everyone arrested and charged with a crime, but that isn't just. In order to provide true justice, you must be willing to allow some guilty to go free in exchange for killing/imprisoning/etc. innocents. That is one of the major tenants of the Bill of Rights.

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