No what I can't understand is why illegals are protesting this and demanding rights as though they have ANY rights. I don't understand where they get off. They demand that they get the same rights as legals who have worked for their citizenship. They aren't legals. They aren't supposed to be here and yet they are protesting and demanding rights. They need to realize that they have no rights and deserve no rights. They are stealing jobs and causing crime in a country that they are in illegally.
Why can't bleeding heart liberals accept illegal aliens are ILLEGAL?
As soon as you accept that the market forces at play are so overwhelming that no amount of allcaps will functionally bring about enforcement. In order to responsibly address this issue it will require something far more conscientious and macroscopic so as to keep the demands of human rights and economic stability in play.
It is moronically irresponsible to think that manifested xenophobia directed at illegal immigrants is appropriate, right, or even productive. If you are to further your apparent goal of ridding America of illegal immigrants the primary focus of your attention should be on the demand for the labor they provide. This will necessarily beg some questions:
What is it about American culture that makes us so systematically unwilling to work hard? Secondly, how pervasive is our dependance upon the extremely low wage that these workers are willing to work for? What would the transition to an alien-free work force look like?
We have seen in the past how slight perturbations in the domestic economy have had drastic effects. With our current state of unprecedented foreign debt, are we really prepared to endure any kind of rapid readjustment?
Finally, and tantamount to the above, we cannot as members of the human family sit atop our pile of marbles greedily hoarding our fortune crying out divisions between 'us' and 'them'. It is absolutely critical that as we approach policy decisions of this magnitude we do so with the patience and clarity to consider the legacy we are leaving for the globe.
On a personal note, I'd like to add that I firmly believe that a humane and reasonable solution to this issue does exist. Any such solution will necessarily be multi-faceted and can in no way serve the forces of racism at play here.
Reply:they are aware of the fact that if liberalism is to expand it can best do so by recruiting support from a dependent lower class that dosen't really understand what probloms they create simply by being here at all %26gt; NO HABLE INGLES NO COMPRENDE LA PROBLEMA%26gt;dont think for a minute that the libs dont understand and exploit this principle simply to grow their ranks%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; lack of awareness and blatant irresponsibility are liberal prereqisats
Reply:Somehow you equate this issue with "Bleeding heart liberals?" I believe there's this guy at the White House that calls the Minutemen, vigilantes, (mustn't do it, no good can become of it) Ironically, as someone who appears to make a blanket statement of such moronic proportions, you haven't heard who is sticking up for this cause and who isn't. There is not an across the board bi-lateral call from either side, as a "Bleeding Heart Liberal" who lives in a border town I tell you, this is very black and white to me: You're here legally, or you're not. Very much like my liberal brethren across the nation; Look at your top guy and his cronies my friend, you'll see where the nuanced stance is being held. My rich white republican friends want their illegals so they can pay them below minimum wage to get the rush of actually "helping the little people"...Please investigate before exposing your idiocy...
Reply:I tell you we need to take a good ole boy can of whoop *** to Mexico and set that government strait..Get the hell out of the Middle East and start right here at home. Clean house with making things right. We the legals have rights too. We have the right to make sure our laws are in forced and if they are not then by God Why not..Because the American Good Ole Boys have moved there companies to Mexico and that is the cost of doing business....Its a matter of who can put what in there pockets. Its all about money,power,and the liberals trying to brain wash us...Its the right thing to do.The Liberals are killing this country..And fast too.
Reply:Would you protest if you were paying for cheap labor? The real conservatives (as opposed to the two faced con artist ones) aren't hiring, it's the liberals?
Reply:Why should we? You sociopath Conservative Republicans have screwed both. So if you have pile of sheeit and it really stinks, and you stick a stick in the middle of it and stir it around, doesn't it stink even more? I say America deports the Conservative trouble making Republicans, and seize all of their assets, and just keep the Latino's and the other 100 types of immigrants in America. It would all be good riddance, BYE BYE!
Reply:Been asking this question for a while now. They always have an irrelevant answer. ("Everybody came here from illegal ancestors","they just want to get a better job to feed their families",they claim "USA 'stole this land", etc.etc)ILLEGAL obviously means IMMUNE (to following laws), to illegal immigrants. All that other b.s. is just skirting the issue of ILLEGAL entry. (a felony)
Reply:Freedom and justice are fading memories, the U.S. Constitution is "just a goddamn piece of paper," and the election process has been undermined. The jobs have been shipped overseas, the economy is hopeless, the environment is being raped, the Army is "broken," the infrastructure is crumbling, our borders are being dissolved, and every dollar or gold nugget that was subject to being looted, is already gone. With the entire nation and its population deep in debt, crashing the economy is a simple matter of raising interest rates, which will allow the bankers to once again scoop up all mortgaged property, and force its inhabitants out into the street. Instead of calling it illegal immigration, we should be calling it a foreign invasion, because the consequences of this invasion are as terminal to our freedoms and to our way of life as any act of terrorism ever perpetrated against us! The United States is being invaded - FOREIGN INVADERS.
The American people need to understand that the United States is under attack!
No, not by Iraq or Iran, but by Mexico! Yes, Martha, you had better believe it.
The Mexican government is deliberately and systematically working to destabilize and undermine the very fabric and framework of American society.
And President George W. Bush and Senators John McCain and Ted Kennedy (among others) are aiding and abetting this effort. "
Gramsci, a young communist who died in one of Mussolini's prisons in 1937 at the age of 46, conjured up the notion of a 'quiet' revolution that could be diffused throughout a culture -- over a period of time -- to destroy it from within. He was the first to suggest that the application of psychology to break the traditions, beliefs, morals, and will of a people could be accomplished quietly and without the possibility of resistance.
---------" Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice"---------------------: John Adams
My goodness we are being invaded by dishwashers, cooks, fruit pickers,hotel workers. And MS-13. And try to sell the image of the sweet, hard working Mexican people someplace else because I know better
----------"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."-------
---------- Edmund Burke
And what do you think you'll have when you destroy the American people and the American infrastructure?.
Do you think you'll be free? Do you think you'll be masters of your destiny?
Think again because the people that you are supporting - the illegal invaders to America aren't educated enough and they aren't smart enough. They will turn America into the same kind of country that Mexico is - a fascist state with a tiny minority controlling all the wealth and the rest of the people in abject poverty. They will be slaves - they are slaves and what this country is doing to them is an insult to them but they aren't bright enough to figure that out - and apparently Many American Citizens aren't either.
Wealthy farmers and landowners have always considered the slavery as a birthright. Since the Civil War, it has been denied to them, but they got it back with the WTO GATS agreement.
And therein lies the strategy for addressing the question of illegal aliens, the so-called ‘guest worker’ programs, the sale of American citizenship for profit and the destruction of the lives of American citizens who are being crushed financially, emotionally and spiritually by the WTO trade agreements.
We have to start calling it what it is - Slave Trade and we need to dig out our blue uniforms and fight the war against the Slavers once again.
Ain't dat right Mass'r Specter?
Reply:Why can’t ignorant conservative hicks realize that all it takes to make something LEGAL is to CHANGE THE LAW?
And when answering don’t use ANY republican spin.
Reply:Please. Why can't rich CEO's accept it? Republicans like cheap local labor. They just think a buck or two should separate them from 'those disgusting coloreds'.
Reply:i am not against immigration just illegal immigration i once said on here this kind of stuff has been going on since the start of time and i was told i didnt know what i was talking about heres a example
:With the onset of hard economic times in the 1870s, other immigrants and European Americans began to compete for the jobs traditionally reserved for the Chinese. With economic competition came dislike and even racial suspicion and hatred. Such feelings were accompanied by anti-Chinese riots and pressure, especially in California, for the exclusion of Chinese immigrants from the United States. The result of this pressure was the Chinese Exclusion Act, passed by Congress in 1882. This Act virtually ended Chinese immigration for nearly a century.
Currently, millions illegal aliens commandeer jobs away from American citizens. If they don't steal those jobs, they depress the wages to the point of legalized slavery. We have an estimated one million illegal alien Chinese in this country (Source: March 2005 Forbes Magazine). At the same time, we outsource jobs to China where a billion people can't wait to make 50 cents an hour. Human smugglers bringing illegals into America make $7 billion annually according to the report.
Do they work the jobs Americans won't do? False! If American doctors were paid $5.00 an hour they wouldn't be working those hospital jobs either.
You have to ask yourself if you want illegal immigrant doctors working at minimum wage to perform a by-pass heart surgery on you? Would you like an illegal immigrant lawyer defending you in court for $5.00 an hour? How about a $5.00 an hour illegal immigrant college professor teaching your kids calculus? How about an illegal alien truck driver driving down the road at 70 MPH with 80,000 pounds of steel, no ability to read English and a fifth grade education-from Mexico's educational system?
Meanwhile, profits soar for corporations while the middle class of America plummets into worsening unemployment. Will America drop into Third World conditions as economist Paul Roberts predicts? At the current rate of 4.1 million legal and illegal newcomers imported into the United States annually, it's only a matter of time before, we too, manifest conditions of the Third World. You can't drown the labor market with millions of people and expect to keep your wages high when immigrants will undercut you.
That's why the pay in China or India is less than $10.00 per day. They have 2.4 billion people in those two countries. That's why they live subsistence lives. In time, that reality will manifest itself in America as the middle class vanishes. It's already happening. You need look no further than California as an example of the first Third World State of America.
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